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VA Mobile Design System - Linting Package

The Linting package contains an ESLint config for use by consumers of the VA Design System Mobile Component Library to automatically issue deprecation notices when outdated components are being used.

For consumers

These steps assume you already have eslint installed for your project as a devDependency and configured correctly.

  1. Add @department-of-veterans-affairs/eslint-config-mobile as a devDependency to your project
    • Note: Your version should match your components package version to behave correctly
  2. In your eslint config file, add to the extends attribute: @department-of-veterans-affairs/mobile

Once configured, running linting on your project should emit warnings for using outdated components.

If linting is part of your continuous integration checks and warnings cause failures, the following can be added to your CI linting script to suppress the warnings during CI:

--rule 'deprecate/import: off'

For contributors

Not much to say for contributors as this is just a set of linting rules.

This package leverages the eslint-plugin-deprecate package to issue deprecation notices as part of linting. As there is no real code and nothing to be run, contributing is as simple as editing the linting rules in the GitHub web interface and creating a PR.

Versioning of this package should be aligned with the components package.