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Multi-touch card

The multi-touch card provides multiple touch targets on a list item.





When to use Multi-touch card

  • The component should be used when a list item includes a lot of data and requires 2-3 touch targets.

How this component works

  • Component should use established color patterns.

Instances of this component in production

  • Prescriptions

Accessibility considerations

  • The card's type and place in the list (ex. prescription 1 of 1) should be called out first by the screen reader. The screen reader should call out each individual touch target by its respective type (button, link; etc) along with its respective a11y hint.
  • Keyboards and Voice Access/Voice Control should navigate through each line item separately
  • Keyboards and Voice Access/Voice Control should navigate each touch area separately
  • Touch target UI should have clear and distinguishable areas/borders

Code usage

NameTypeDefault ValueRequiredDescription
orderIdentifierstringNoread by screen readers to identify the cards place in a list
mainA11yLabelstringNoaccessibility label for the main section
mainContentReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>>Yescontent to display in the main section
bottomOnPress() => voidNocalled when the bottom button is pressed
bottomContentReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>>Nocontent to display in the bottom button
bottomA11yHintstringNohint for the bottom button action
bottomA11yLabelstringNoaccessibility label for the bottom section