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The Nametag provides an official identity to an authenticated user's experience and also allows honorably discharged Veterans to launch the Veteran status panel.





When to use Nametag

  • The Nametag component only appears on Home and Profile screens.

How this component works

  • For honorably discharged Veterans, the nametag is an interactive / tappable element that includes a brief overview of a Veterans' information (legal name, branch of service badge, and branch of service) in addition to the "Proof of Veteran status" copy. When tapped, the nametag should launch the Veteran status panel.
    • Example: Kimberly Washington, [display: United States Army badge], United States Army, Proof of Veteran status
  • For dishonorably discharged Veterans, the "Proof of Veteran status" copy should be hidden and the nametag should no longer be interactive / tappable.
    • Example: Kimberly Washington, [display: United States Army badge], United States Army
  • If a Veteran has served in more than one branch, the most recent branch appears in the Nametag.


  • Component should appear near the top of the screen.

Instances of this component in production

  • On Home screen
  • On Profile screen

Accessibility considerations

  • For honorably discharged Veterans, screen readers should announce the nametag component as a button and read out the content within the nametag including: first name, lastname, branch of service, and proof of Veteran status as a single announcement.
  • For dishonorably discharged Veterans, screen readers should read out the content within the nametag component including: first name, last name, and branch of service in a single announcement.
    • The screen reader should not announce the nametag as a button and it should not be tappable.
  • To avoid redundancy, the service badge should not be read aloud and is for decorative purposes only.
  • Nametag banner on The Nametag is present on My VA and profile to signify "this is my stuff." It does not appear on pages containing general VA info or on screens that have a general info state and an authenticated state. It serves as a way to differentiate between the two page types.