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Navigation model

The VA Health & Benefits mobile app's navigation model is the same on both iOS and Android.

  • Primary navigation: The app uses a standard tab navigation for its primary navigation.

    • The tab bar/bottom navigation bar is located at the bottom of the screen and is persistent—it appears on every screen in the hierarchy (except those that are modally presented) so that the user has a clear sense of all the main sections of the app and quick access to switch between them.
    • The tab bar must contain at least 3 but no more than 5 items, and is reserved for the default/Home screen, top level categories and if applicable, global features that require direct access from anywhere in the app.
  • Secondary navigation:

    • The right side of the app’s top navigation bar is reserved for global contextual features that relate to the content on that screen (Example: Profile, Help).

    For ENG components that make up the primary navigation, see Primary Navigation in the UX Components section.