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Build and Release Workflows

This section contains all of the workflows that are related to our packaging our apps and automating our Release Process. Use the sidebar to the right to jump directly to workflows.

Each workflows has descriptions, triggers, and input/output parameters if applicable. See the GitHub Actions Documentation for more details about triggers and input/output parameters.

Build Automation Capabilities

The build system currently allows us to build in multiple ways and for multiple configurations.

  • Staging API or Production API
  • Special Release Candidate configuration
  • Options to upload to a specific lane or Test Flight group
  • Configurations to create one-off builds for feature branch testing prior to merging
  • Queueing capabilities to avoid build collisions on build numbers
  • Dependency installation and caching to speed up delivery
  • Slack integration to send useful messages to our DSVA Slack channels to raise errors and to indicate success

Build Workflows

Reusable Build Workflows

All of our build related workflows use one of following two workflows with different parameters passed in, making them the two most important workflows of our build automation.

Reusable iOS Workflow (build_ios)

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Creates an iOS build using the passed parameters and distributes to TestFlight / App Connect. Starts a Slack thread in the channel and updates the thread with the results of each build job.


Can only be triggered by other workflows.



environmentUsed to determine the environment variables to build the app withstringtest, staging, productionstaging
laneSpecifies which fastlane lane to runstringqa, rc, review, release, on_demandqa
notesRelease notes that will show next to the version in TestFlight. Fastlane will default to "New QA version for {{DATE_TIME}}" if nothing is passedstring
refBranch or tag that we want to build from. Defaults to the branch/tag that triggeredstring
slack_thread_tsTimestamp of the Slack thread where build related messages should be sent. Gets assigned to the SLACK_THREAD_TS environment variable that Fastlane uses.string
tf_groupTestFlight group to distribute to. Fastlane defaults to "Development Team" if nothing is passedstring
versionVersion number to use for production release. Passing "qa" here will auto increment upon the latest version in the app storesstringqa

Reusable Android Workflow (build_android)

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Creates an iOS build using the passed parameters and distributes to TestFlight / App Connect. Starts a Slack thread in the channel and updates the thread with the results of each build job.


Can only be triggered by other workflows.



environmentUsed to determine the environment variables to build the app withstringtest, staging, productionstaging
laneSpecifies which fastlane lane to runstringqa, rc, review, release, on_demandqa
notesRelease notes that will show next to the version in TestFlight. Fastlane will default to "New QA version for {{DATE_TIME}}" if nothing is passedstring
refBranch or tag that we want to build from. Defaults to the branch/tag that triggeredstring
slack_thread_tsTimestamp of the Slack thread where build related messages should be sent. Gets assigned to the SLACK_THREAD_TS environment variable that Fastlane uses.string
ps_trackGoogle Play Console track to distribute to. Fastlane defaults to "Development Team" if nothing is passedstring
versionVersion number to use for production release. Passing "qa" here will auto increment upon the latest version in the app storesstringqa

Build Workflows

These workflows utilize the reusable workflows above with specified parameters. Some are triggered by a tag or on a schedule.

Daily QA Build (qa_build)

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This workflow runs every night to create and upload the QA version of the app configured for the staging environment for both Android and iOS. It uses the build_ios and build_android workflows with their default parameters.

Creates a Slack thread in the channel and updates the thread with the results of each build job.


Runs every Weekday at 0400 UTC from the develop branch

- cron: '0 4 * * 1,2,3,4,5'

On Demand Build (on_demand_build)

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Builds versions for both Android and iOS using the specified environment and branch and iOS and makes them available via TestFlight and Firebase App Distribution.

Creates a Slack thread in the channel and updates the thread with the results of each build job.


Manually via the GitHub Actions UI



environmentUsed to determine the environment variables to build the app withstringtest, staging, productionstagingYes
notesThe text you want to appear in the TestFlight and Firebase App Tester descriptionstringYes

Release Candidate Build (release_candidate_build)

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This workflow runs every time a tag with pattern is pushed to the origin. It builds release candidates pointed at staging for our QA team to test using the build_ios and build_android workflows. Those jobs use the branch/tag that triggered the workflow, in this case

Creates a Slack thread in the channel and updates the thread with the results of each build job.


Tags matching the regular expression /^RC-v.d+.d+.d+$/. Our script creates this tag at the end of every sprint.

- 'v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+'

Release Build (release_build)

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This workflow runs every time a tag with pattern is pushed to the origin. It builds production versions for both Android and iOS and submits them to the app stores for review.

Creates a Slack thread in the channel and updates the thread with the results of each build job.


Tags matching the regular expression /^vd+.d+.d+/. Our script creates this tag at the end of every sprint.

- 'v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+'

Go Live (go_live)

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Job runs on release day to send approved versions to the stores


cron: '0 14 * * 2'

Runs every Tuesday at 1400 UTC on only the main branch

Release Workflows

These workflows are related to are release process which occurs every 2 weeks. Check the Release Process for a high-level overview.

New Release Branch (new_release_branch)

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Runs our script, which checks to see if we are at the beginning of a new sprint, and if so, cuts a new release/ branch from the develop branch and tags it with The command in the script also ends up triggering the release_branch_issue and release_candidate_build workflows by tagging the branch with and c.


Every Wednesday at 06:00 UTC, 2:00AM ET, 11:00PM (Tues) PT or manually via GitHub Actions UI.

- cron: '00 6 * * 3'

New Release Issue (release_branch_issue)

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This automated workflow creates the release ticket for every release.

This ticket runs any time a release branch is created that matches our strategy of release/^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ and does the following:

  • Scrapes the version from the GitHub reference
  • Calculates the QA, Product, and VA Due Dates for the ticket
  • Calculates the Release Date for the specified version
  • Creates a table of all the Sev-1 and Sev-2 bugs that are open in the repository
  • Creates an issue from the release_ticket GitHub Issue Template
  • Creates a TestRail Run and Milestone for QA regression testing and tracking
  • Adds the TestRail run graph to the ticket after the run has been created


Runs on every branch create and creates a new ticket only if the branch name matches release/^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$



See in repository

Approve Slash Command (approve_command)

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Workflow for the /approve command in GitHub Issues. Workflow is made available in Issues by the slash_commands workflow.

The current version of the workflow looks for a comment in issues that starts with /approve. The command should be immediately followed by a version string that matches the version regex /^vd+.d+.d+$/

The current logic on this trigger is pretty brittle and if the admin doesn't do it correctly it can have some incorrect effects that need to get fixed with a new comment that is formatted correctly. There is likely some work to make this better, but there is some time needed to sort out the logic and have the command send the correct message back to the issue and to tag whoever initiated the command.

This command calls the release_pull_request workflow during execution.


Workflow is triggered when a user types /approve into a GitHub Issue and clicks the comment button. See slash_commands for more info.

types: [ approve-command ]


See in repository

Merge to main and Create PR to develop (release_pull_request)

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This Workflow runs when called by another workflow and merges the release branch changes to main and then creates a PR for any branch updates to be pulled back into develop


Runs when called by another Workflow



versionVersion Number (eg. v1.1.0)stringyes
GH_ACTIONS_PATPAT token from composite parent workflow. Should be PAT from our automation robotstringyes
devPrUrlURL string that points to the new PR to develop for any release branch specific changesstring
releaseHashString value of the commit hash on main that can point to the release changes as a single commit in GitHubstring


See in repository