Intro to the VA Mobile App
The VA: Health and Benefits mobile app will be participating in a release freeze from December 17, 2024 until January 28, 2025, to accommodate the availability of team members around the winter holiday. This freeze effectively skips two normal release cycles, as the app is published on a bi-weekly basis. While releases will be frozen, code is not. Normal work and merging into the develop
branch can continue as planned, but the code will be held back from the app stores until the freeze is lifted.
Over 50% of traffic to VA websites comes from users on mobile devices. This traffic is typically driven by users that want to complete quick transactions, such as viewing Claims Status or Facility Locator.
The VA: Health and Benefits App team has a hypothesis, validated by user research, that native functionality in a mobile app will allow Veterans to more easily complete key transactions across VA Health and Benefits services.