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TestRail is the web-based test management system used across the VA platform teams to document testing, including the VA Health & Benefits mobile app. Requesting access to TestRail is done via DSVA Slack.

If you're unfamiliar with TestRail overall, their own guide and the basic how-to's laid out by the Platform team are good starting resources to browse.

Within the VA Mobile project, our top-level test case folders to be familiar with are (links are to parent folders, explore the subfolders to see all cases):

  • the release candidate regression test cases, which contains cases run during release testing
  • the active cases, which collectively describe the full testable behavior of the mobile app
  • the standard test cases, which are generic test cases for functionality that spans features (such as error handling, accessibility, or feature flags) and can be pulled into test runs for new features without re-writing cases
  • the upcoming feature cases, which contains cases written ahead of time for not-yet-implemented features, and
  • the archive, which contains cases for deprecated functionality in the app

TestFlight & AppTester

We distribute testing builds through TestFlight for iOS, and Firebase's AppTester for Android. Key builds for manual testing include: release candidate builds for release testing, builds based on the develop branch that are updated daily (for visual QA or backend testing), and on-demand builds of branches not yet merged to develop for ticket testing.

To get access to either TestFlight or App Tester, follow the platform-specific instructions for your testing device on the Tool Setup page.

Charles Proxy

We use Charles Proxy as a key tool for things like error state testing, mocking data we don't have access to, and downtime window testing. We've got guides for setting up Charles Proxy, and how to mock response data or set exclusions.

Mobile team tools (as they relate to QA)


The VAMobile and vaults contain usernames and passwords for staging test users.


Most commonly used: writing a bug ticket with the new bug report template.


Most commonly used: the shared team Zenhub board and the cumulative flow report to track ticket (or bug!) trends over several sprints.