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    How to Add Documents

    This is the process of how you should add new pages and documents to this website.

    MDX Format

    We will be using the .mdx format to create our documents. MDX is a format that lets you seamlessly use JSX in your Markdown documents. You can import components, like interactive charts or notifs, and export metadata. This makes writing long-form content with components a blast 🚀

    Adding Document Pages

    • Create a .mdx file in src/pages

    • Add the required frontmatter at the top of the page. You will need this if you want it to display in the sidebar.

        // Your .mdx page
        title: How to Add Documents
    • You have the option to create React Components and add them to the MDX file. React components for pages should be located in src/components

    Updating the sidebar

    After you've added a page, you may want to add it to the sidebar. At src/sidebar.js, you'll find the layout for the main site navigation and sidebar. You can add your page where it makes sense in the site's information architecture.

    There are examples in the sidebar file to follow. You'll need to add an object with name and href properties for regular links and you can also create nested sections by leaving out href and adding an items array to objects.

    GraphQl Sample Reference

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