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    Making updates to formation

    You can find a detailed guide on contributing to formation at

    Publishing Module to NPM

    After you've tested and previewed your changes locally it's time to publish a new version of the package to NPM.

    Prerequisite: you must be registered with NPM, be a member of the "department-of-veterans-affairs" organization, and have the appropriate organization role to publish an update to the module. Verify that you are logged in correctly by running npm whoami. If you are unable to publish an update, confirm you are a member of the "department-of-veterans-affairs" organization by going to your Profile page on

    1. Submit your PR

    Submit a PR that includes all of your code changes. This should include the bump in versions you need, which you can change directly in the package.json files for the modules that are changing.

    You'll need to choose what type of version update to make:

    • patch - for bug fixes and minor changes
    • minor - for new features that don't break current features or require changes in consuming applications
    • major - for backwards breaking changes

    If you are unsure of what to pick, do a major version update on modules that are changing.

    2. Merge your PR to master

    Once your changes are approved, squash merge them to master. Also, if your change is a breaking change, please prefix your commit message with BREAKING CHANGE: . Also keep in mind that your commit messages will be in a changelog that people use to figure out what has changed between releases, so make sure it accurately describes your changes.

    3. Build and publish

    • Checkout the master branch
    • Run yarn build
    • For each module you need to publish, switch to its folder in packages/ and run npm publish.

    4. Create a release

    You will need a github personal access token. This should be set as GITHUB_API_KEY in your environment variable.

    • Navigate to the package folder
    • Run the release script
      $ yarn release
    • Once the script has succeeded, go to the link provided in the console
    • Edit the release and add any relevant information.

    5. Update consuming apps

    The last step is to update the package.json files of consuming apps to use the latest version of @department-of-veterans-affairs/formation. For example, if you are working with the vets-website project, open the vets-website's package.json to update the version number of the @department-of-veterans-affairs/formation entry listed in the dependencies section. The version number should match what you just published to NPM.