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    How templates work for Markdown pages

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    Templates use tinyliquid, a JavaScript implementation of Liquid.

    There are three "wrapper" templates currently in use for Markdown content. They're all in src/site/layouts.

    • page-react: Houses our React pages.
    • page-react-sidebar: Houses our React pages that have a sidebar.
    • page-breadcrumbs: Houses our non-React content pages.
    • page-playbook: Houses Playbook pages.
    • home: Template for the home page
    • home: Template for the home page without search

    page-breadcrumbs is a container template that loads layouts for the content between the header and the footer. Those are in content/layouts/includes/.

    Templates are loaded based on the value of the template property in the YAML/front-page data of each content file -- the text between the ---. Content files can be found in content/pages/.

    Adding a new template

    • Add a new HTML + Liquid template file to src/site/includes
    • Update page-breadcrumbs with a new case for the new layout.
    • Update the template YAML property for whichever pages should load the new template.

    Content meta data

    To date, we've used YAML syntax in Markdown files as a way to structure data such as related links (majorlinks) and navigation cards.