Caseflow Schema CSV

Caseflow Schema CSV #

  • advance_on_docket_motions
  • allocations
  • annotations
  • api_keys
  • api_views
  • appeals
  • appeal_series
  • appeal_states
  • hearing_appeal_stream_snapshots
  • appeal_views
  • appellant_substitutions
  • appellant_substitution_histories
  • attorney_case_reviews
  • available_hearing_locations
  • batch_processes
  • bgs_attorneys
  • bgs_power_of_attorneys
  • board_grant_effectuations
  • cached_appeal_attributes
  • cached_user_attributes
  • caseflow_stuck_records
  • cavc_dashboards
  • cavc_dashboard_dispositions
  • cavc_dashboard_issues
  • cavc_decision_reasons
  • cavc_dispositions_to_reasons
  • cavc_reasons_to_bases
  • cavc_remands
  • cavc_remands_appellant_substitutions
  • cavc_selection_bases
  • certifications
  • certification_cancellations
  • claim_establishments
  • claimants
  • claims_folder_searches
  • conference_links
  • decision_documents
  • decision_issues
  • dispatch_tasks
  • distributed_cases
  • distributions
  • docket_snapshots
  • docket_switches
  • docket_tracers
  • documents
  • document_views
  • documents_tags
  • end_product_code_updates
  • end_product_establishments
  • end_product_updates
  • form8s
  • global_admin_logins
  • hearings
  • hearing_days
  • hearing_email_recipients
  • hearing_issue_notes
  • hearing_locations
  • hearing_task_associations
  • hearing_views
  • higher_level_reviews
  • ihp_drafts
  • intakes
  • job_notes
  • judge_case_reviews
  • legacy_appeals
  • legacy_hearings
  • legacy_issues
  • legacy_issue_optins
  • membership_requests
  • messages
  • metrics
  • mpi_update_person_events
  • nod_date_updates
  • non_availabilities
  • notifications
  • notification_events
  • organizations
  • organizations_users
  • people
  • post_decision_motions
  • priority_end_product_sync_queue
  • ramp_closed_appeals
  • ramp_elections
  • ramp_election_rollbacks
  • ramp_issues
  • ramp_refilings
  • record_synced_by_jobs
  • remand_reasons
  • request_decision_issues
  • request_issues
  • request_issues_updates
  • schedule_periods
  • sent_hearing_admin_email_events
  • sent_hearing_email_events
  • special_issue_lists
  • split_correlation_tables
  • supplemental_claims
  • system_admin_events
  • tags
  • tasks
  • task_timers
  • team_quotas
  • transcriptions
  • unrecognized_appellants
  • unrecognized_party_details
  • users
  • user_quotas
  • vbms_communication_packages
  • vbms_distributions
  • vbms_distribution_destinations
  • vbms_uploaded_documents
  • veterans
  • virtual_hearings
  • virtual_hearing_establishments
  • vso_configs
  • work_modes
  • worksheet_issues
  • 'advance_on_docket_motions' table

    appeal_id integer FK x The ID of the appeal this motion is associated with
    appeal_type string x The type of appeal this motion is associated with
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    granted boolean x Whether VLJ has determined that there is sufficient cause to fast-track an appeal, i.e. grant or deny the motion to AOD.
    id integer (8) PK x
    person_id integer (8) FK x Appellant ID
    reason string VLJ's rationale for their decision on motion to AOD.
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x
    user_id integer (8) FK x

    'allocations' table

    Hearing Day Requests for each Regional Office used for calculation and confirmation of the Build Hearings Schedule Algorithm
    allocated_days float ∗ x Number of Video or Central Hearing Days Requested by the Regional Office
    allocated_days_without_room float Number of Hearing Days Allocated with no Rooms
    created_at datetime ∗ x Standard created_at/updated_at timestamps
    first_slot_time string (5) The first time slot available for this allocation; interpreted as the local time at Central office or the RO
    id integer (8) PK x
    number_of_slots integer The number of time slots possible for this allocation
    regional_office string ∗ x Key of the Regional Office Requesting Hearing Days
    schedule_period_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x Hearings Schedule Period to which this request belongs
    slot_length_minutes integer The length in minutes of each time slot for this allocation
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Standard created_at/updated_at timestamps

    'annotations' table

    comment string ∗ x
    created_at datetime
    document_id integer ∗ FK x x
    id integer PK x
    page integer
    relevant_date date
    updated_at datetime
    user_id integer FK x
    x integer
    y integer

    'api_keys' table

    consumer_name string ∗ x x
    created_at datetime
    id integer PK x
    key_digest string ∗ x x
    updated_at datetime x

    'api_views' table

    api_key_id integer FK
    created_at datetime
    id integer PK x
    source string
    updated_at datetime
    vbms_id string

    'appeals' table

    Decision reviews intaken for AMA appeals to the board (also known as a notice of disagreement).
    aod_based_on_age boolean x If true, appeal is advance-on-docket due to claimant's age.
    changed_hearing_request_type string The new hearing type preference for an appellant that needs a hearing scheduled
    closest_regional_office string The code for the regional office closest to the Veteran on the appeal.
    created_at datetime
    docket_range_date date Date that appeal was added to hearing docket range.
    docket_type string ∗ x x The docket type selected by the Veteran on their appeal form, which can be hearing, evidence submission, or direct review.
    established_at datetime x Timestamp for when the appeal has successfully been intaken into Caseflow by the user.
    establishment_attempted_at datetime Timestamp for when the appeal's establishment was last attempted.
    establishment_canceled_at datetime Timestamp when job was abandoned
    establishment_error string The error message if attempting to establish the appeal resulted in an error. This gets cleared once the establishment is successful.
    establishment_last_submitted_at datetime Timestamp for when the the job is eligible to run (can be reset to restart the job).
    establishment_processed_at datetime Timestamp for when the establishment has succeeded in processing.
    establishment_submitted_at datetime Timestamp for when the the intake was submitted for asynchronous processing.
    filed_by_va_gov boolean Indicates whether or not this form came from
    homelessness boolean ∗ x Indicates whether or not a veteran is experiencing homelessness
    id integer (8) PK x
    legacy_opt_in_approved boolean Indicates whether a Veteran opted to withdraw matching issues from the legacy process. If there is a matching legacy issue and it is not withdrawn then it is ineligible for the decision review.
    original_hearing_request_type string The hearing type preference for an appellant before any changes were made in Caseflow
    poa_participant_id string Used to identify the power of attorney (POA) at the time the appeal was dispatched to BVA. Sometimes the POA changes in BGS after the fact, and BGS only returns the current representative.
    receipt_date date ∗ x Receipt date of the appeal form. Used to determine which issues are within the timeliness window to be appealed. Only issues decided prior to the receipt date will show up as contestable issues.
    stream_docket_number string Multiple appeals with the same docket number indicate separate appeal streams, mimicking the structure of legacy appeals.
    stream_type string When multiple appeals have the same docket number, they are differentiated by appeal stream type, depending on the work being done on each appeal.
    target_decision_date date If the appeal docket is direct review, this sets the target decision date for the appeal, which is one year after the receipt date.
    updated_at datetime x
    uuid uuid ∗ x x The universally unique identifier for the appeal, which can be used to navigate to appeals/appeal_uuid. This allows a single ID to determine an appeal whether it is a legacy appeal or an AMA appeal.
    veteran_file_number string ∗ x x PII. The VBA corporate file number of the Veteran for this review. There can sometimes be more than one file number per Veteran.
    veteran_is_not_claimant boolean Selected by the user during intake, indicates whether the Veteran is the claimant, or if the claimant is someone else such as a dependent. Must be TRUE if Veteran is deceased.

    'appeal_series' table

    created_at datetime
    id integer PK x
    incomplete boolean
    merged_appeal_count integer
    updated_at datetime x

    'appeal_states' table

    appeal_cancelled boolean ∗ x When true, appeal's root task is cancelled
    appeal_docketed boolean ∗ x When true, appeal has been docketed
    appeal_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x AMA or Legacy Appeal ID
    appeal_type string ∗ x x Appeal Type (Appeal or LegacyAppeal)
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    created_by_id integer (8) ∗ FK x User id of the user that inserted the record
    decision_mailed boolean ∗ x When true, appeal has decision mail request complete
    hearing_postponed boolean ∗ x When true, appeal has hearing postponed and no hearings scheduled
    hearing_scheduled boolean ∗ x When true, appeal has at least one hearing scheduled
    hearing_withdrawn boolean ∗ x When true, appeal has hearing withdrawn and no hearings scheduled
    id integer (8) PK x
    privacy_act_complete boolean ∗ x When true, appeal has a privacy act request completed
    privacy_act_pending boolean ∗ x When true, appeal has a privacy act request still open
    scheduled_in_error boolean ∗ x When true, hearing was scheduled in error and none scheduled
    updated_at datetime
    updated_by_id integer (8) FK User id of the last user that updated the record
    vso_ihp_complete boolean ∗ x When true, appeal has a VSO IHP request completed
    vso_ihp_pending boolean ∗ x When true, appeal has a VSO IHP request pending

    'hearing_appeal_stream_snapshots' table

    appeal_id integer FK x LegacyAppeal ID; use as FK to legacy_appeals
    created_at datetime ∗ x Automatic timestamp of when snapshot was created
    hearing_id integer FK x LegacyHearing ID; use as FK to legacy_hearings
    updated_at datetime x Automatic timestamp of when snapshot was updated

    'appeal_views' table

    appeal_id integer ∗ FK x x
    appeal_type string ∗ x x
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    id integer PK x
    last_viewed_at datetime
    updated_at datetime ∗ x
    user_id integer ∗ FK x x

    'appellant_substitutions' table

    Store appellant substitution form data
    claimant_type string ∗ x Claimant type of substitute; needed to create Claimant record
    created_at datetime ∗ x Standard created_at/updated_at timestamps
    created_by_id integer (8) ∗ FK x User that created this record
    id integer (8) PK x
    poa_participant_id string Identifier of the appellant's POA, if they have a CorpDB participant_id. Null if the substitute appellant has no POA.
    selected_task_ids integer (8) ∗ x User-selected task ids from source appeal
    source_appeal_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x The relevant source appeal for this substitution
    substitute_participant_id string ∗ x Participant ID of substitute appellant
    substitution_date date ∗ x Date of substitution
    target_appeal_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x The new appeal resulting from this substitution
    task_params jsonb ∗ x JSON hash to hold parameters for new tasks, such as an EvidenceSubmissionWindowTask's end-hold date, with keys from selected_task_ids
    updated_at datetime ∗ x Standard created_at/updated_at timestamps

    'appellant_substitution_histories' table

    appellant_substitution_id integer (8) FK x Appellant substitution id of the last user that updated the CAVC record
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    created_by_id integer (8) FK Current user who created Appellant substitution
    current_appellant_substitute_participant_id string FK Current Appellant Substitute participant Id
    current_appellant_veteran_participant_id string FK Current Appellant Veteran participant Id
    id integer (8) PK x
    original_appellant_substitute_participant_id string FK Original Appellant Substitute participant Id
    original_appellant_veteran_participant_id string FK Original Appeallant Veteran Participant Id
    substitution_date date Timestamp of substitution granted date
    updated_at datetime ∗ x

    'attorney_case_reviews' table

    appeal_id integer (8) FK x The ID of the appeal this case review is associated with
    appeal_type string x The type of appeal this case review is associated with
    attorney_id integer FK
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    document_id string ∗ x
    document_type string ∗ x
    id integer PK x
    note text
    overtime boolean
    reviewing_judge_id integer FK
    task_id string ∗ FK x x Refers to the tasks table for AMA appeals, but uses syntax `<vacols_id>-YYYY-MM-DD` for legacy appeals
    untimely_evidence boolean
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x
    work_product string ∗ x

    'available_hearing_locations' table

    address string Full address of the location
    appeal_id integer FK x Appeal/LegacyAppeal ID; use as FK to appeals/legacy_appeals
    appeal_type string x 'Appeal' or 'LegacyAppeal'
    city string i.e 'New York', 'Houston', etc
    classification string The classification for location; i.e 'Regional Benefit Office', 'VA Medical Center (VAMC)', etc
    created_at datetime ∗ x Automatic timestamp of when hearing location was created
    distance float Distance between appellant's location and the hearing location
    facility_id string Id associated with the facility; i.e 'vba_313', 'vba_354a', 'vba_317', etc
    facility_type string The type of facility; i.e, 'va_benefits_facility', 'va_health_facility', 'vet_center', etc
    id integer (8) PK x
    name string Name of location; i.e 'Chicago Regional Benefit Office', 'Jennings VA Clinic', etc
    state string State in abbreviated form; i.e 'NY', 'CA', etc
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Automatic timestamp of when hearing location was updated
    veteran_file_number string x PII. The VBA corporate file number of the Veteran for the appeal
    zip_code string

    'batch_processes' table

    A generalized table for batching and processing records within caseflow
    batch_id uuid PK FK x
    batch_type string ∗ x x Indicates what type of record is being batched
    created_at datetime ∗ x Date and Time that batch was created.
    ended_at datetime The date/time that the batch finsished processing
    records_attempted integer The number of records in the batch attempting to be processed
    records_completed integer The number of records in the batch that completed processing successfully
    records_failed integer x The number of records in the batch that failed processing
    started_at datetime The date/time that the batch began processing
    state string ∗ x x The state that the batch is currently in. PRE_PROCESSING, PROCESSING, PROCESSED
    updated_at datetime ∗ x Date and Time that batch was last updated.

    'bgs_attorneys' table

    Cache of unique BGS attorney data — used for adding claimants to cases pulled from POA data
    created_at datetime ∗ x x Standard created_at/updated_at timestamps
    id integer (8) PK x
    last_synced_at datetime x The last time BGS was checked
    name string ∗ x x Name
    participant_id string ∗ x x Participant ID
    record_type string ∗ x Known types: POA State Organization, POA National Organization, POA Attorney, POA Agent, POA Local/Regional Organization
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Standard created_at/updated_at timestamps

    'bgs_power_of_attorneys' table

    Power of Attorney (POA) cached from BGS
    authzn_change_clmant_addrs_ind string Authorization for POA to change claimant address
    authzn_poa_access_ind string Authorization for POA access
    claimant_participant_id string ∗ x x Claimant participant ID -- use as FK to claimants
    created_at datetime ∗ x x Standard created_at/updated_at timestamps
    file_number string x PII. Claimant file number
    id integer (8) PK x
    last_synced_at datetime x The last time BGS was checked
    legacy_poa_cd string Legacy POA code
    poa_participant_id string ∗ x x POA participant ID -- use as FK to people
    representative_name string ∗ x x POA name
    representative_type string ∗ x x POA type
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Standard created_at/updated_at timestamps

    'board_grant_effectuations' table

    Represents the work item of updating records in response to a granted issue on a Board appeal. Some are represented as contentions on an EP in VBMS. Others are tracked via Caseflow tasks.
    appeal_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x The ID of the appeal containing the granted issue being effectuated.
    contention_reference_id string x The ID of the contention created in VBMS. Indicates successful creation of the contention. If the EP has been rated, this contention could have been connected to a rating issue. That connection is used to map the rating issue back to the decision issue.
    created_at datetime
    decision_document_id integer (8) FK x The ID of the decision document which triggered this effectuation.
    decision_sync_attempted_at datetime When the EP is cleared, an asyncronous job attempts to map the resulting rating issue back to the decision issue. Timestamp representing the time the job was last attempted.
    decision_sync_canceled_at datetime Timestamp when job was abandoned
    decision_sync_error string Async job processing last error message. See description for decision_sync_attempted_at for the decision sync job description.
    decision_sync_last_submitted_at datetime Timestamp for when the the job is eligible to run (can be reset to restart the job).
    decision_sync_processed_at datetime Async job processing completed timestamp. See description for decision_sync_attempted_at for the decision sync job description.
    decision_sync_submitted_at datetime Async job processing start timestamp. See description for decision_sync_attempted_at for the decision sync job description.
    end_product_establishment_id integer (8) FK x The ID of the end product establishment created for this board grant effectuation.
    granted_decision_issue_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x The ID of the granted decision issue.
    id integer (8) PK x
    last_submitted_at datetime Async job processing most recent start timestamp
    updated_at datetime x

    'cached_appeal_attributes' table

    appeal_id integer x
    appeal_type string x
    case_type string x The case type, i.e. original, post remand, CAVC remand, etc
    closest_regional_office_city string x Closest regional office to the veteran
    closest_regional_office_key string x Closest regional office to the veteran in 4 character key
    created_at datetime
    docket_number string
    docket_type string x
    former_travel boolean x Determines if the hearing type was formerly travel board; only applicable to Legacy appeals
    hearing_request_type string (10) x Stores hearing type requested by appellant; could be one of nil, 'Video', 'Central', 'Travel', or 'Virtual'
    is_aod boolean x Whether the case is Advanced on Docket
    issue_count integer Number of issues on the appeal.
    issue_types string A string delimited list of nonrating issue categories on the appeal.
    power_of_attorney_name string x 'Firstname Lastname' of power of attorney
    suggested_hearing_location string x Suggested hearing location in 'City, State (Facility Type)' format
    updated_at datetime x
    vacols_id string x
    veteran_name string x 'LastName, FirstName' of the veteran

    'cached_user_attributes' table

    VACOLS cached staff table attributes
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    sactive string ∗ x
    sattyid string
    sdomainid string PK x x
    slogid string ∗ x
    smemgrp string (8)
    snamef string User's First Name in VACOLS
    snamel string User's Last Name in VACOLS
    stafkey string ∗ x
    stitle string (16)
    svlj string
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x

    'caseflow_stuck_records' table

    This is a polymorphic table consisting of records that have repeatedly errored out of the syncing process. Currently, the only records on this table come from the PriorityEndProductSyncQueue table.
    determined_stuck_at datetime ∗ x The date/time at which the record in question was determined to be stuck.
    error_messages string Array of Error Message(s) containing Batch ID and specific error if a failure occurs
    id integer (8) PK x
    remediated boolean ∗ x Reflects if the stuck record has been reviewed and fixed
    remediation_notes text Brief description of the encountered issue and remediation strategy
    stuck_record_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x The id / primary key of the stuck record and the type / where the record came from
    stuck_record_type string ∗ x x
    updated_at datetime The time an update occurred on the record

    'cavc_dashboards' table

    board_decision_date date ∗ x The decision date of the source appeal
    board_docket_number string ∗ x The docket number of the source appeal
    cavc_decision_date date ∗ x The decision date from the CAVC board
    cavc_docket_number string ∗ x The docket number assigned by the CAVC board
    cavc_remand_id integer (8) FK x ID of the associated CAVC Remand
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    created_by_id integer (8) FK The ID for the user that created the record
    id integer (8) PK x
    joint_motion_for_remand boolean Whether the CAVC appeal is JMR/JMPR or not
    updated_at datetime ∗ x
    updated_by_id integer (8) FK The ID for the user that most recently changed the record

    'cavc_dashboard_dispositions' table

    cavc_dashboard_id integer (8) FK x ID of the associated CAVC Dashboard
    cavc_dashboard_issue_id integer (8) FK
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    created_by_id integer (8) FK The ID for the user that created the record
    disposition string ∗ x The disposition of the issue
    id integer (8) PK x
    request_issue_id integer (8) FK ID for a request issue that was filed with the CAVC Remand
    updated_at datetime ∗ x
    updated_by_id integer (8) FK The ID for the user that most recently changed the record

    'cavc_dashboard_issues' table

    benefit_type string
    cavc_dashboard_id integer (8) FK x ID of the associated CAVC Dashboard
    created_at datetime
    created_by_id integer (8) FK
    id integer (8) PK x
    issue_category string
    issue_description string
    updated_at datetime
    updated_by_id integer (8) FK

    'cavc_decision_reasons' table

    basis_for_selection_category string The category that the decision reason belongs to. Optional.
    created_at datetime
    decision_reason string The reason for the CAVC decision
    id integer (8) PK x
    order integer The order that the reasons should display in the UI. Child reasons will be ordered under their parent.
    parent_decision_reason_id integer Associates a child decision reason to its parent in this table

    'cavc_dispositions_to_reasons' table

    cavc_dashboard_disposition_id integer (8) FK x ID of the associated CAVC Dashboard Disposition
    cavc_decision_reason_id integer (8) FK x ID of the associated CAVC Decision Reason
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    created_by_id integer (8) FK The ID for the user that created the record
    id integer (8) PK x
    updated_at datetime ∗ x
    updated_by_id integer (8) FK The ID for the user that most recently changed the record

    'cavc_reasons_to_bases' table

    cavc_dispositions_to_reason_id integer (8) FK x ID of the associated CAVC Decision Reason
    cavc_selection_basis_id integer (8) FK x ID of the associated CAVC Basis for Selection
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    created_by_id integer (8) FK The ID for the user that created the record
    id integer (8) PK x
    updated_at datetime ∗ x
    updated_by_id integer (8) FK The ID for the user that most recently changed the record

    'cavc_remands' table

    cavc_decision_type string ∗ x CAVC decision type. Expecting 'remand', 'straight_reversal', or 'death_dismissal'
    cavc_docket_number string ∗ x Docket number of the CAVC judgement
    cavc_judge_full_name string ∗ x CAVC judge that passed the judgement on the remand
    created_at datetime ∗ x Default timestamps
    created_by_id integer (8) ∗ FK x User that created this record
    decision_date date ∗ x Date CAVC issued a decision, according to the CAVC
    decision_issue_ids integer (8) ∗ x Decision issues being remanded; IDs refer to decision_issues table. For a JMR, all decision issues on the previous appeal will be remanded. For a JMPR, only some
    federal_circuit boolean Whether the case has been appealed to the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
    id integer (8) PK x
    instructions string ∗ x Instructions and context provided upon creation of the remand record
    judgement_date date ∗ x Date CAVC issued a judgement, according to the CAVC
    mandate_date date ∗ x Date that CAVC reported the mandate was given
    remand_appeal_id integer (8) FK x Appeal created by this CAVC Remand
    remand_subtype string ∗ x Type of remand. If the cavc_decision_type is 'remand', expecting one of 'jmp', 'jmpr', or 'mdr'. Otherwise, this can be null.
    represented_by_attorney boolean ∗ x Whether or not the appellant was represented by an attorney
    source_appeal_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x Appeal that CAVC has remanded
    updated_at datetime ∗ x Default timestamps
    updated_by_id integer (8) FK User that updated this record. For MDR remands, judgement and mandate dates will be added after the record is first created.

    'cavc_remands_appellant_substitutions' table

    appellant_substitution_id integer (8) FK x Appellant Substitution this is tied to
    cavc_remand_id integer (8) FK x Cavc Remand this is tied to
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    created_by_id integer (8) Current user who created substitution
    id integer (8) PK x
    is_appellant_substituted boolean Y/N Boolean for active substitution
    participant_id string x Claimant Participant Id
    remand_source string Source of Remand - From Add or Edit
    substitute_participant_id string x Appellant Substitute participant Id
    substitution_date date Timestamp of substitution
    updated_at datetime ∗ x
    updated_by_id integer (8) Current user who updated substitution

    'cavc_selection_bases' table

    basis_for_selection string
    category string
    created_at datetime
    created_by integer (8)
    id integer (8) PK x
    updated_at datetime
    updated_by integer (8)

    'certifications' table

    already_certified boolean
    bgs_rep_address_line_1 string
    bgs_rep_address_line_2 string
    bgs_rep_address_line_3 string
    bgs_rep_city string
    bgs_rep_country string
    bgs_rep_state string
    bgs_rep_zip string
    bgs_representative_name string
    bgs_representative_type string
    certification_date string
    certifying_office string
    certifying_official_name string
    certifying_official_title string
    certifying_username string
    completed_at datetime
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    form8_started_at datetime
    form9_matching_at datetime
    form9_type string
    hearing_change_doc_found_in_vbms boolean
    hearing_preference string
    id integer PK x
    loading_data boolean
    loading_data_failed boolean
    nod_matching_at datetime
    poa_correct_in_bgs boolean
    poa_correct_in_vacols boolean
    poa_matches boolean
    representative_name string
    representative_type string
    soc_matching_at datetime
    ssocs_matching_at datetime
    ssocs_required boolean
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x
    user_id integer x
    v2 boolean
    vacols_data_missing boolean
    vacols_hearing_preference string
    vacols_id string
    vacols_representative_name string
    vacols_representative_type string

    'certification_cancellations' table

    cancellation_reason string ∗ x
    certification_id integer ∗ FK x x
    created_at datetime
    email string ∗ x
    id integer PK x
    other_reason string
    updated_at datetime x

    'claim_establishments' table

    created_at datetime ∗ x
    decision_type integer
    email_recipient string
    email_ro_id string
    ep_code string
    id integer PK x
    outcoding_date datetime
    task_id integer FK x references dispatch_tasks
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x

    'claimants' table

    This table bridges decision reviews to participants when the participant is listed as a claimant on the decision review. A participant can be a claimant on multiple decision reviews.
    created_at datetime
    decision_review_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x The ID of the decision review the claimant is on.
    decision_review_type string ∗ x x The type of decision review the claimant is on.
    id integer (8) PK x
    notes text This is a notes field for adding claimant not listed and any supplementary information outside of unlisted claimant.
    participant_id string ∗ U x x x The participant ID of the claimant.
    payee_code string The payee_code for the claimant, if applicable. payee_code is required when the claim is processed in VBMS.
    type string The class name for the single table inheritance type of Claimant, for example VeteranClaimant, DependentClaimant, AttorneyClaimant, OtherClaimant, or HealthcareProviderClaimant.
    updated_at datetime x

    'claims_folder_searches' table

    appeal_id integer FK x
    appeal_type string ∗ x x
    created_at datetime
    id integer PK x
    query string
    updated_at datetime x
    user_id integer FK x

    'decision_documents' table

    appeal_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x
    appeal_type string
    attempted_at datetime When the job ran
    canceled_at datetime Timestamp when job was abandoned
    citation_number string ∗ x x Unique identifier for decision document
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    decision_date date ∗ x
    document_series_reference_id string UUID that is provided by eFolder that represents the group of documentsthis document belongs to. Think of a series as a stack of versions.
    document_version_reference_id string UUID that is provided by eFolder that represents the specific version of the document.
    error string Message captured from a failed attempt
    id integer (8) PK x
    last_submitted_at datetime When the job is eligible to run (can be reset to restart the job)
    processed_at datetime When the job has concluded
    redacted_document_location string ∗ x
    submitted_at datetime When the job first became eligible to run
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x
    uploaded_to_vbms_at datetime When document was successfully uploaded to VBMS

    'decision_issues' table

    Issues that represent a decision made on a decision review.
    benefit_type string Classification of the benefit being decided on. Maps 1 to 1 to VA lines of business, and typically used to know which line of business the decision correlates to.
    caseflow_decision_date date This is a decision date for decision issues where decisions are entered in Caseflow, such as for appeals or for decision reviews with a business line that is not processed in VBMS.
    created_at datetime Automatic timestamp when row was created.
    decision_review_id integer FK x ID of the decision review the decision was made on.
    decision_review_type string x Type of the decision review the decision was made on.
    decision_text string If decision resulted in a change to a rating, the rating issue's decision text.
    deleted_at datetime x
    description string Optional description that the user can input for decisions made in Caseflow.
    diagnostic_code string If a decision resulted in a rating, this is the rating issue's diagnostic code.
    disposition string ∗ x x The disposition for a decision issue. Dispositions made in Caseflow and dispositions made in VBMS can have different values.
    end_product_last_action_date date ∗ x After an end product gets synced with a status of CLR (cleared), the end product's last_action_date is saved on any decision issues that are created as a result. This is used as a proxy for decision date for non-rating issues that are processed in VBMS because they don't have a rating profile date, and the exact decision date is not available.
    id integer (8) PK x
    participant_id string ∗ x The Veteran's participant id.
    percent_number string percent_number from RatingIssue (prcntNo from Rating Profile)
    rating_issue_reference_id string x Identifies the specific issue on the rating that resulted from the decision issue (a rating issue can be connected to multiple contentions).
    rating_profile_date datetime The profile date of the rating that a decision issue resulted in (if applicable). The profile_date is used as an identifier for the rating, and is the date that most closely maps to what the Veteran writes down as the decision date.
    rating_promulgation_date datetime The promulgation date of the rating that a decision issue resulted in (if applicable). It is used for calculating whether a decision issue is within the timeliness window to be appealed or get a higher level review.
    subject_text text subject_text from RatingIssue (subjctTxt from Rating Profile)
    updated_at datetime x

    'dispatch_tasks' table

    aasm_state string x Current task state: unprepared, unassigned, assigned, started, reviewed, completed
    appeal_id integer ∗ FK x
    assigned_at datetime
    comment string
    completed_at datetime
    completion_status integer
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    id integer PK x
    lock_version integer
    outgoing_reference_id string
    prepared_at datetime
    started_at datetime
    type string ∗ x
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x
    user_id integer FK x

    'distributed_cases' table

    case_id string ∗ x x
    created_at datetime
    distribution_id integer FK x
    docket string ∗ x
    docket_index integer ∗ x
    genpop boolean
    genpop_query string ∗ x
    id integer (8) PK x
    priority boolean
    ready_at datetime ∗ x
    task_id integer ∗ FK x
    updated_at datetime x

    'distributions' table

    completed_at datetime
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    errored_at datetime when the Distribution job suffered an error
    id integer (8) PK x
    judge_id integer FK
    priority_push boolean Whether or not this distribution is a priority-appeals-only push to judges via a weekly job (not manually requested)
    started_at datetime when the Distribution job commenced
    statistics json
    status string
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x

    'docket_snapshots' table

    created_at datetime
    docket_count integer
    id integer PK x
    latest_docket_month date
    updated_at datetime x

    'docket_switches' table

    Stores the disposition and associated data for Docket Switch motions.
    created_at datetime ∗ x x Standard created_at/updated_at timestamps
    disposition string ∗ x Possible options are granted, partially_granted, and denied
    docket_type string The new docket
    granted_request_issue_ids integer When a docket switch is partially granted, this includes an array of the appeal's request issue IDs that were selected for the new docket. For full grant, this includes all prior request issue IDs.
    id integer (8) PK x
    new_docket_stream_id integer (8) FK x References the new appeal stream with the updated docket; initially null until created by workflow
    old_docket_stream_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x References the original appeal stream with old docket
    receipt_date datetime ∗ x Date the board receives the NOD with request for docket switch; entered by user performing docket switch
    task_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x The task that triggered the switch
    updated_at datetime ∗ x Standard created_at/updated_at timestamps

    'docket_tracers' table

    ahead_and_ready_count integer
    ahead_count integer
    created_at datetime
    docket_snapshot_id integer FK x
    id integer PK x
    month date x
    updated_at datetime x

    'documents' table

    category_medical boolean
    category_other boolean
    category_procedural boolean
    created_at datetime
    description string
    file_number string x PII
    id integer PK x
    previous_document_version_id integer
    received_at date
    series_id string x
    type string
    updated_at datetime
    upload_date date
    vbms_document_id string ∗ x x

    'document_views' table

    created_at datetime
    document_id integer ∗ FK x x
    first_viewed_at datetime
    id integer PK x
    updated_at datetime
    user_id integer ∗ FK x x

    'documents_tags' table

    created_at datetime
    document_id integer ∗ FK x x
    id integer PK x
    tag_id integer ∗ FK x x
    updated_at datetime

    'end_product_code_updates' table

    Caseflow establishes end products in VBMS with specific end product codes. If that code is changed outside of Caseflow, that is tracked here.
    code string ∗ x The new end product code, if it has changed since last checked.
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    end_product_establishment_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x
    id integer (8) PK x
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x

    'end_product_establishments' table

    Represents end products that have been, or need to be established by Caseflow. Used to track the status of those end products as they are processed in VBMS and/or SHARE.
    benefit_type_code string 1 if the Veteran is alive, and 2 if the Veteran is deceased. Not to be confused with benefit_type, which is unrelated.
    claim_date date The claim_date for end product established.
    claimant_participant_id string The participant ID of the claimant submitted on the end product.
    code string The end product code, which determines the type of end product that is established. For example, it can contain information about whether it is rating, nonrating, compensation, pension, created automatically due to a Duty to Assist Error, and more.
    committed_at datetime Timestamp indicating other actions performed as part of a larger atomic operation containing the end product establishment, such as creating contentions, are also complete.
    created_at datetime
    development_item_reference_id string When a Veteran requests an informal conference with their higher level review, a tracked item is created. This stores the ID of the of the tracked item, it is also used to indicate the success of creating the tracked item.
    doc_reference_id string When a Veteran requests an informal conference, a claimant letter is generated. This stores the document ID of the claimant letter, and is also used to track the success of creating the claimant letter.
    established_at datetime Timestamp for when the end product was established.
    id integer (8) PK x
    last_synced_at datetime The time that the status of the end product was last synced with BGS. The end product is synced until it is canceled or cleared, meaning it is no longer active.
    limited_poa_access boolean Indicates whether the limited Power of Attorney has access to view documents
    limited_poa_code string The limited Power of Attorney code, which indicates whether the claim has a POA specifically for this claim, which can be different than the Veteran's POA
    modifier string The end product modifier. For higher level reviews, the modifiers range from 030-039. For supplemental claims, they range from 040-049. The same modifier cannot be used twice for an active end product per Veteran. Once an end product is no longer active, the modifier can be used again.
    payee_code string ∗ x The payee_code of the claimant submitted for this end product.
    reference_id string x The claim_id of the end product, which is stored after the end product is successfully established in VBMS.
    source_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x The ID of the source that resulted in this end product establishment.
    source_type string ∗ x x The type of source that resulted in this end product establishment.
    station string The station ID of the end product's station.
    synced_status string The status of the end product, which is synced by a job. Once and end product is cleared (CLR) or canceled (CAN) the status is final and the end product will not continue being synced.
    updated_at datetime x
    user_id integer FK x The ID of the user who performed the decision review intake.
    veteran_file_number string ∗ x x PII. The file number of the Veteran submitted when establishing the end product.

    'end_product_updates' table

    Updates the claim label for end products established from Caseflow
    active_request_issue_ids integer (8) ∗ x A list of active request issue IDs when a user has finished editing a decision review. Used to keep track of which request issues may have been impacted by the update.
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    end_product_establishment_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x The end product establishment id used to track the end product being updated.
    error string The error message captured from BGS if the end product update failed.
    id integer (8) PK x
    new_code string The new end product code the user wants to update to.
    original_code string The original end product code before the update was submitted.
    original_decision_review_id integer (8) x The original decision review that this end product update belongs to; has a non-nil value only if a new decision_review was created.
    original_decision_review_type string x The original decision review type that this end product update belongs to
    status string Status after an attempt to update the end product; expected values: 'success', 'error', ...
    updated_at datetime ∗ x
    user_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x The ID of the user who makes an end product update.

    'form8s' table

    _initial_appellant_name string
    _initial_appellant_relationship string
    _initial_hearing_requested string
    _initial_increased_rating_notification_date date
    _initial_insurance_loan_number string
    _initial_other_notification_date date
    _initial_representative_name string
    _initial_representative_type string
    _initial_service_connection_notification_date date
    _initial_soc_date date
    _initial_ssoc_required string
    _initial_veteran_name string
    agent_accredited string
    appellant_name string
    appellant_relationship string
    certification_date date
    certification_id integer x
    certifying_office string
    certifying_official_name string
    certifying_official_title string
    certifying_official_title_specify_other string
    certifying_username string
    contested_claims_procedures_applicable string
    contested_claims_requirements_followed string
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    file_number string PII
    form9_date date
    form_646_not_of_record_explanation string
    form_646_of_record string
    hearing_held string
    hearing_preference string
    hearing_requested string
    hearing_requested_explanation string
    hearing_transcript_on_file string
    id integer PK x
    increased_rating_for text
    increased_rating_notification_date date
    insurance_loan_number string
    nod_date date
    other_for text
    other_notification_date date
    power_of_attorney string
    power_of_attorney_file string
    record_cf_or_xcf string
    record_clinical_rec string
    record_dental_f string
    record_dep_ed_f string
    record_hospital_cor string
    record_inactive_cf string
    record_insurance_f string
    record_loan_guar_f string
    record_other string
    record_other_explanation text
    record_outpatient_f string
    record_r_and_e_f string
    record_slides string
    record_tissue_blocks string
    record_training_sub_f string
    record_x_rays string
    remarks text
    representative_name string
    representative_type string
    representative_type_specify_other string
    service_connection_for text
    service_connection_notification_date date
    soc_date date
    ssoc_date_1 date
    ssoc_date_2 date
    ssoc_date_3 date
    ssoc_required string
    updated_at datetime ∗ x
    vacols_id string
    veteran_name string

    'global_admin_logins' table

    admin_css_id string
    created_at datetime
    id integer PK x
    target_css_id string
    target_station_id string
    updated_at datetime x

    'hearings' table

    appeal_id integer ∗ FK x Appeal ID; use as FK to appeals
    bva_poc string Hearing coordinator full name
    created_at datetime Automatic timestamp when row was created.
    created_by_id integer (8) FK x The ID of the user who created the Hearing
    disposition string x Hearing disposition; can be one of: 'held', 'postponed', 'no_show', or 'cancelled'
    evidence_window_waived boolean Determines whether the veteran/appelant has wavied the 90 day evidence hold
    hearing_day_id integer ∗ FK x HearingDay ID; use as FK to HearingDays
    id integer (8) PK x
    judge_id integer FK User ID of judge who will hold the hearing
    military_service string Periods and circumstances of military service
    notes string Any notes taken prior or post hearing
    prepped boolean Determines whether the judge has checked the hearing as prepped
    representative_name string Name of Appellant's representative if applicable
    room string The room at BVA where the hearing will take place; ported from associated HearingDay
    scheduled_time time ∗ x Date and Time when hearing will take place
    summary text Summary of hearing
    transcript_requested boolean Determines whether the veteran/appellant has requested the hearing transcription
    transcript_sent_date date Date of when the hearing transcription was sent to the Veteran/Appellant
    updated_at datetime x Timestamp when record was last updated.
    updated_by_id integer (8) FK x The ID of the user who most recently updated the Hearing
    uuid uuid ∗ x x
    witness string Witness/Observer present during hearing

    'hearing_days' table

    bva_poc string Hearing coordinator full name
    created_at datetime ∗ x Automatic timestamp of when hearing day was created
    created_by_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x The ID of the user who created the Hearing Day
    deleted_at datetime x Automatic timestamp of when hearing day was deleted
    first_slot_time string (5) The first time slot available; interpreted as the local time at Central office or the RO
    id integer (8) PK x
    judge_id integer FK User ID of judge who is assigned to the hearing day
    lock boolean Determines if the hearing day is locked and can't be edited
    notes text Any notes about hearing day
    number_of_slots integer The number of time slots possible for this day
    regional_office string Regional office key associated with hearing day
    request_type string ∗ x Hearing request types for all associated hearings; can be one of: 'T', 'C' or 'V'
    room string The room at BVA where the hearing will take place
    scheduled_for date ∗ x The date when all associated hearings will take place
    slot_length_minutes integer The length in minutes of each time slot for this day
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Automatic timestamp of when hearing day was updated
    updated_by_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x The ID of the user who most recently updated the Hearing Day

    'hearing_email_recipients' table

    Recipients of hearings-related emails
    appeal_id integer (8) FK x The ID of the appeal this email recipient is associated with
    appeal_type string x The type of appeal this email recipient is associated with
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    email_address string ∗ x PII. The recipient's email address
    email_sent boolean ∗ x Indicates if a notification email was sent to the recipient.
    hearing_id integer (8) FK x Associated hearing
    hearing_type string x
    id integer (8) PK x
    timezone string (50) The recipient's timezone
    type string The subclass name (i.e. AppellantHearingEmailRecipient)
    updated_at datetime ∗ x

    'hearing_issue_notes' table

    allow boolean
    created_at datetime
    deny boolean
    dismiss boolean
    hearing_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x
    id integer (8) PK x
    remand boolean
    reopen boolean
    request_issue_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x
    updated_at datetime x
    worksheet_notes string

    'hearing_locations' table

    address string Full address of the location
    city string i.e 'New York', 'Houston', etc
    classification string The classification for location; i.e 'Regional Benefit Office', 'VA Medical Center (VAMC)', etc
    created_at datetime ∗ x Automatic timestamp of when hearing location was created
    distance float Distance between appellant's location and the hearing location
    facility_id string ∗ x Id associated with the facility; i.e 'vba_313', 'vba_354a', 'vba_317', etc
    facility_type string The type of facility; i.e, 'va_benefits_facility', 'va_health_facility', 'vet_center', etc
    hearing_id integer FK x Hearing/LegacyHearing ID; use as FK to hearings/legacy_hearings
    hearing_type string x 'Hearing' or 'LegacyHearing'
    id integer (8) PK x
    name string Name of location; i.e 'Chicago Regional Benefit Office', 'Jennings VA Clinic', etc
    state string State in abbreviated form; i.e 'NY', 'CA', etc
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Automatic timestamp of when hearing location was updated
    zip_code string

    'hearing_task_associations' table

    created_at datetime Automatic timestamp of when association was created
    hearing_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x Hearing/LegacyHearing ID; use as FK to hearings/legacy_hearings
    hearing_task_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x associated HearingTask ID; use as fk to tasks
    hearing_type string ∗ x x 'Hearing' or 'LegacyHearing'
    id integer (8) PK x
    updated_at datetime x Automatic timestamp of when association was updated

    'hearing_views' table

    created_at datetime Automatic timestamp of when hearing view was created
    hearing_id integer ∗ FK x x Hearing/LegacyHearing ID; use as FK to hearings/legacy_hearings
    hearing_type string x 'Hearing' or 'LegacyHearing'
    id integer PK x
    updated_at datetime Automatic timestamp of when hearing view was updated
    user_id integer ∗ FK x x User ID; use as FK to users

    'higher_level_reviews' table

    Intake data for Higher Level Reviews.
    benefit_type string ∗ x The benefit type selected by the Veteran on their form, also known as a Line of Business.
    created_at datetime
    establishment_attempted_at datetime Timestamp for the most recent attempt at establishing a claim.
    establishment_canceled_at datetime Timestamp when job was abandoned
    establishment_error string The error captured for the most recent attempt at establishing a claim if it failed. This is removed once establishing the claim succeeds.
    establishment_last_submitted_at datetime Timestamp for the latest attempt at establishing the End Products for the Decision Review.
    establishment_processed_at datetime Timestamp for when the End Product Establishments for the Decision Review successfully finished processing.
    establishment_submitted_at datetime Timestamp for when the Higher Level Review was submitted by a Claims Assistant. This adds the End Product Establishment to a job to finish processing asynchronously.
    filed_by_va_gov boolean Indicates whether or not this form came from
    id integer (8) PK x
    informal_conference boolean Indicates whether a Veteran selected on their Higher Level Review form to have an informal conference. This creates a claimant letter and a tracked item in BGS.
    legacy_opt_in_approved boolean Indicates whether a Veteran opted to withdraw their Higher Level Review request issues from the legacy system if a matching issue is found. If there is a matching legacy issue and it is not withdrawn, then that issue is ineligible to be a new request issue and a contention will not be created for it.
    receipt_date date ∗ x The date that the Higher Level Review form was received by central mail. This is used to determine which issues are eligible to be appealed based on timeliness. Only issues decided prior to the receipt date will show up as contestable issues. It is also the claim date for any associated end products that are established.
    same_office boolean Whether the Veteran wants their issues to be reviewed by the same office where they were previously reviewed. This creates a special issue on all of the contentions created on this Higher Level Review.
    updated_at datetime x
    uuid uuid ∗ x x The universally unique identifier for the Higher Level Review. Can be used to link to the claim after it is completed.
    veteran_file_number string ∗ x x PII. The file number of the Veteran that the Higher Level Review is for.
    veteran_is_not_claimant boolean Indicates whether the Veteran is the claimant on the Higher Level Review form, or if the claimant is someone else like a spouse or a child. Must be TRUE if the Veteran is deceased.

    'ihp_drafts' table

    appeal_id integer ∗ FK x x Appeal id the IHP was written for
    appeal_type string ∗ x x Type of appeal the IHP was written for
    created_at datetime ∗ x Default created_at/updated_at timestamps
    id integer (8) PK x
    organization_id integer ∗ FK x x IHP-writing VSO that drafted the IHP
    path string ∗ x Path to the IHP in the VA V: drive
    updated_at datetime ∗ x Default created_at/updated_at timestamps

    'intakes' table

    Represents the intake of an form or request made by a veteran.
    cancel_other string Notes added if a user canceled an intake for any reason other than the stock set of options.
    cancel_reason string The reason the intake was canceled. Could have been manually canceled by a user, or automatic.
    completed_at datetime Timestamp for when the intake was completed, whether it was successful or not.
    completion_started_at datetime Timestamp for when the user submitted the intake to be completed.
    completion_status string Indicates whether the intake was successful, or was closed by being canceled, expired, or due to an error.
    created_at datetime
    detail_id integer FK x The ID of the record created as a result of the intake.
    detail_type string x The type of the record created as a result of the intake.
    error_code string If the intake was unsuccessful due to a set of known errors, the error code is stored here. An error is also stored here for RAMP elections that are connected to an active end product, even though the intake is a success.
    id integer PK x
    started_at datetime Timestamp for when the intake was created, which happens when a user successfully searches for a Veteran.
    type string x The class name of the intake.
    updated_at datetime x
    user_id integer ∗ FK x x The ID of the user who created the intake.
    veteran_file_number string x PII. The VBA corporate file number of the Veteran for this review. There can sometimes be more than one file number per Veteran.
    veteran_id integer (8) FK x The ID of the veteran record associated with this intake

    'job_notes' table

    created_at datetime ∗ x Default created_at/updated_at
    id integer (8) PK x
    job_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x The job to which the note applies
    job_type string ∗ x x
    note text ∗ x The note
    send_to_intake_user boolean Should the note trigger a message to the job intake user
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at
    user_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x The user who created the note

    'judge_case_reviews' table

    appeal_id integer (8) FK x The ID of the appeal this case review is associated with
    appeal_type string x The type of appeal this case review is associated with
    areas_for_improvement text
    attorney_id integer FK
    comment text
    complexity string ∗ x
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    factors_not_considered text
    id integer (8) PK x
    judge_id integer FK
    location string ∗ x
    one_touch_initiative boolean
    positive_feedback text
    quality string ∗ x
    task_id string ∗ FK x Refers to the tasks table for AMA appeals, but uses syntax `<vacols_id>-YYYY-MM-DD` for legacy appeals
    timeliness string Documents if the drafted decision by an attorney was provided on a timely or untimely manner.
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x

    'legacy_appeals' table

    appeal_series_id integer (8) FK x
    changed_hearing_request_type string The new hearing type preference for an appellant that needs a hearing scheduled
    closest_regional_office string
    contaminated_water_at_camp_lejeune boolean
    created_at datetime
    dic_death_or_accrued_benefits_united_states boolean
    dispatched_to_station string
    education_gi_bill_dependents_educational_assistance_scholars boolean
    foreign_claim_compensation_claims_dual_claims_appeals boolean
    foreign_pension_dic_all_other_foreign_countries boolean
    foreign_pension_dic_mexico_central_and_south_america_caribb boolean
    hearing_including_travel_board_video_conference boolean
    home_loan_guaranty boolean
    id integer (8) PK x
    incarcerated_veterans boolean
    insurance boolean
    issues_pulled boolean
    manlincon_compliance boolean
    mustard_gas boolean
    national_cemetery_administration boolean
    nonrating_issue boolean
    original_hearing_request_type string The hearing type preference for an appellant before any changes were made in Caseflow
    pension_united_states boolean
    private_attorney_or_agent boolean
    radiation boolean
    rice_compliance boolean
    spina_bifida boolean
    updated_at datetime x
    us_territory_claim_american_samoa_guam_northern_mariana_isla boolean
    us_territory_claim_philippines boolean
    us_territory_claim_puerto_rico_and_virgin_islands boolean
    vacols_id string ∗ x x
    vamc boolean
    vbms_id string
    vocational_rehab boolean
    waiver_of_overpayment boolean

    'legacy_hearings' table

    appeal_id integer FK LegacyAppeal ID; use as FK to legacy_appeals
    created_at datetime Automatic timestamp when row was created.
    created_by_id integer (8) FK x The ID of the user who created the Legacy Hearing
    hearing_day_id integer (8) x The hearing day the hearing will take place on
    id integer (8) PK x
    military_service string Periods and circumstances of military service
    original_vacols_request_type string The original request type of the hearing in VACOLS, before it was changed to Virtual
    prepped boolean Determines whether the judge has checked the hearing as prepped
    summary text Summary of hearing
    updated_at datetime x Timestamp when record was last updated.
    updated_by_id integer (8) FK x The ID of the user who most recently updated the Legacy Hearing
    user_id integer FK x User ID of judge who will hold the hearing
    vacols_id string ∗ x x Corresponds to VACOLS’ hearsched.hearing_pkseq
    witness string Witness/Observer present during hearing

    'legacy_issues' table

    On an AMA decision review, when a veteran requests to review an issue that is already being contested on a legacy appeal, the legacy issue is connected to the request issue. If the veteran also chooses to opt their legacy issues into AMA and the issue is eligible to be transferred to AMA, the issues are closed in VACOLS through a legacy issue opt-in. This table stores the legacy issues connected to each request issue, and the record for opting them into AMA (if applicable).
    created_at datetime ∗ x Default created_at/updated_at
    id integer (8) PK x
    request_issue_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x The request issue the legacy issue is being connected to.
    updated_at datetime ∗ x Default created_at/updated_at
    vacols_id string ∗ x The VACOLS ID of the legacy appeal that the legacy issue is part of.
    vacols_sequence_id integer ∗ x The sequence ID of the legacy issue on the legacy appeal. The vacols_id and vacols_sequence_id form a composite key to identify a specific legacy issue.

    'legacy_issue_optins' table

    When a VACOLS issue from a legacy appeal is opted-in to AMA, this table keeps track of the related request_issue, and the status of processing the opt-in, or rollback if the request issue is removed from a Decision Review.
    created_at datetime ∗ x When a Request Issue is connected to a VACOLS issue on a legacy appeal, and the Veteran has agreed to withdraw their legacy appeals, a legacy_issue_optin is created at the time the Decision Review is successfully intaken. This is used to indicate that the legacy issue should subsequently be opted into AMA in VACOLS.
    error string
    folder_decision_date date Decision date on case record folder
    id integer (8) PK x
    legacy_issue_id integer (8) FK x The legacy issue being opted in, which connects to the request issue
    optin_processed_at datetime The timestamp for when the opt-in was successfully processed, meaning it was updated in VACOLS as opted into AMA.
    original_disposition_code string The original disposition code of the VACOLS issue being opted in. Stored in case the opt-in is rolled back.
    original_disposition_date date The original disposition date of the VACOLS issue being opted in. Stored in case the opt-in is rolled back.
    original_legacy_appeal_decision_date date The original disposition date of a legacy appeal being opted in
    original_legacy_appeal_disposition_code string The original disposition code of legacy appeal being opted in
    request_issue_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x The request issue connected to the legacy VACOLS issue that has been opted in.
    rollback_created_at datetime Timestamp for when the connected request issue is removed from a Decision Review during edit, indicating that the opt-in needs to be rolled back.
    rollback_processed_at datetime Timestamp for when a rolled back opt-in has successfully finished being rolled back.
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Automatically populated when the record is updated.

    'membership_requests' table

    created_at datetime ∗ x
    decided_at datetime The date and time when the deider user made a decision about the membership request
    decider_id integer (8) FK The user who decides the status of the membership request
    id integer (8) PK x
    note string A note that provides additional context from the requestor about their request for access to the organization
    organization_id integer (8) FK x The organization that the membership request is asking to join
    requestor_id integer (8) FK x The User that is requesting access to the organization
    status string ∗ U x x x The status of the membership request at any given point of time
    updated_at datetime ∗ x

    'messages' table

    created_at datetime ∗ x
    detail_id integer FK x ID of the related object
    detail_type string x Model name of the related object
    id integer (8) PK x
    message_type string The type of event that caused this message to be created
    read_at datetime When the message was read
    text string The message
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x
    user_id integer ∗ FK x The user for whom the message is intended

    'metrics' table

    additional_info json additional data to store for the metric
    app_name string ∗ x x Application name: caseflow or efolder
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    duration float Time in milliseconds from start to end
    end datetime When metric recording stopped
    id integer (8) PK x
    metric_attributes json Store attributes relevant to the metric: OS, browser, etc
    metric_class string ∗ x Class of metric, use reflection to find value to populate this
    metric_group string ∗ x Metric group: service, etc
    metric_message string ∗ x Message or log for metric
    metric_name string ∗ x x Name of metric
    metric_product string ∗ x x Where in application: Queue, Hearings, Intake, VHA, etc
    metric_type string ∗ x Type of metric: ERROR, LOG, PERFORMANCE, etc
    relevant_tables_info json Store information to tie metric to database table(s)
    sent_to string x Which system metric was sent to: Datadog, Rails Console, Javascript Console, etc
    sent_to_info json Additional information for which system metric was sent to
    start datetime When metric recording started
    updated_at datetime ∗ x
    user_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x The ID of the user who generated metric.
    uuid uuid ∗ x Unique ID for the metric, can be used to search within various systems for the logging

    'mpi_update_person_events' table

    api_key_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x API Key used to initiate the event
    completed_at datetime Timestamp of when update was completed, regardless of success or failure
    created_at datetime Timestamp of when update was initiated
    id integer (8) PK x
    info json Additional information about the update
    update_type string ∗ x Type or Result of update

    'nod_date_updates' table

    Tracks changes to an AMA appeal's receipt date (aka, NOD date)
    appeal_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x Appeal for which the NOD date is being edited
    change_reason string ∗ x Reason for change: entry_error or new_info
    created_at datetime ∗ x Default created_at/updated_at timestamps
    id integer (8) PK x
    new_date date ∗ x Date after update
    old_date date ∗ x Date before update
    updated_at datetime ∗ x Default created_at/updated_at timestamps
    user_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x User that updated the NOD date

    'non_availabilities' table

    created_at datetime ∗ x
    date date
    id integer (8) PK x
    object_identifier string ∗ x
    schedule_period_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x
    type string ∗ x
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x

    'notifications' table

    appeals_id string ∗ x x ID of the Appeal
    appeals_type string ∗ x x Type of Appeal
    created_at datetime Timestamp of when Noticiation was Created
    email_enabled boolean ∗ x
    email_notification_content string Full Email Text Content of Notification
    email_notification_external_id string x VA Notify Notification Id for the email notification send through their API
    email_notification_status string x Status of the Email Notification
    event_date date ∗ x Date of Event
    event_type string ∗ x Type of Event
    id integer (8) PK x
    notification_content text Full Text Content of Notification
    notification_type string ∗ x Type of Notification that was created
    notified_at datetime Time Notification was created
    participant_id string x ID of Participant
    recipient_email string Participant's Email Address
    recipient_phone_number string Participants Phone Number
    sms_notification_content string Full SMS Text Content of Notification
    sms_notification_external_id string x VA Notify Notification Id for the sms notification send through their API
    sms_notification_status string x Status of SMS/Text Notification
    updated_at datetime TImestamp of when Notification was Updated

    'notification_events' table

    Type of Event
    email_template_id uuid ∗ x Staging Email Template UUID
    event_type string PK x
    sms_template_id uuid ∗ x Staging SMS Template UUID

    'organizations' table

    accepts_priority_pushed_cases boolean x Whether a JudgeTeam currently accepts distribution of automatically pushed priority cases
    ama_only_push boolean whether a JudgeTeam should only get AMA appeals during the PushPriorityAppealsToJudgesJob
    ama_only_request boolean whether a JudgeTeam should only get AMA appeals when requesting more cases
    created_at datetime
    id integer (8) PK x
    name string ∗ x
    participant_id string U x x Organizations BGS partipant id
    role string Role users in organization must have, if present
    status string x Whether organization is active, inactive, or in some other Status.
    status_updated_at datetime Track when organization status last changed.
    type string Single table inheritance
    updated_at datetime x
    url string ∗ U x x x Unique portion of the organization queue url

    'organizations_users' table

    admin boolean
    created_at datetime
    id integer (8) PK x
    organization_id integer FK x
    updated_at datetime x
    user_id integer FK x

    'people' table

    created_at datetime ∗ x
    date_of_birth date PII
    email_address string PII. Person email address, cached from BGS
    first_name string PII. Person first name, cached from BGS
    id integer (8) PK x
    last_name string PII. Person last name, cached from BGS
    middle_name string PII. Person middle name, cached from BGS
    name_suffix string PII. Person name suffix, cached from BGS
    participant_id string ∗ x x
    ssn string x PII. Person Social Security Number, cached from BGS
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x

    'post_decision_motions' table

    Stores the disposition and associated task of post-decisional motions handled by the Litigation Support Team: Motion for Reconsideration, Motion to Vacate, and Clear and Unmistakeable Error.
    appeal_id integer (8) FK
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    disposition string ∗ x Possible options are Grant, Deny, Withdraw, and Dismiss
    id integer (8) PK x
    task_id integer (8) FK x
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x
    vacate_type string Granted motion to vacate can be Straight Vacate, Vacate and Readjudication, or Vacate and De Novo.
    vacated_decision_issue_ids integer When a motion to vacate is partially granted, this includes an array of the appeal's decision issue IDs that were chosen for vacatur in this post-decision motion. For full grant, this includes all prior decision issue IDs.

    'priority_end_product_sync_queue' table

    Queue of End Product Establishments that need to sync with VBMS
    batch_id uuid FK x A unique UUID for the batch the record is executed with
    created_at datetime ∗ x Date and Time the record was inserted into the queue
    end_product_establishment_id integer ∗ FK x x ID of end_product_establishment record to be synced
    error_messages string Array of Error Message(s) containing Batch ID and specific error if a failure occurs
    id integer (8) PK x
    last_batched_at datetime x Date and Time the record was last batched
    status string ∗ x x A status to indicate what state the record is in such as PROCESSING and PROCESSED
    updated_at datetime ∗ x Date and Time the record was last updated.

    'ramp_closed_appeals' table

    Keeps track of legacy appeals that are closed or partially closed in VACOLS due to being transitioned to a RAMP election. This data can be used to rollback the RAMP Election if needed.
    closed_on datetime The datetime that the legacy appeal was closed in VACOLS and opted into RAMP.
    created_at datetime
    id integer PK x
    nod_date date The date when the Veteran filed a Notice of Disagreement for the original claims decision in the legacy system.
    partial_closure_issue_sequence_ids string If the entire legacy appeal could not be closed and moved to the RAMP Election, the VACOLS sequence IDs of issues on the legacy appeal which were closed are stored here, indicating that it was a partial closure.
    ramp_election_id integer FK The ID of the RAMP election that closed the legacy appeal.
    updated_at datetime x
    vacols_id string ∗ x The VACOLS BFKEY of the legacy appeal that has been closed and opted into RAMP.

    'ramp_elections' table

    Intake data for RAMP elections.
    created_at datetime
    established_at datetime Timestamp for when the review successfully established, including any related actions such as establishing a claim in VBMS if applicable.
    id integer PK x
    notice_date date The date that the Veteran was notified of their option to opt their legacy appeals into RAMP.
    option_selected string ∗ x Indicates whether the Veteran selected for their RAMP election to be processed as a higher level review (with or without a hearing), a supplemental claim, or a board appeal.
    receipt_date date ∗ x The date that the RAMP form was received by central mail.
    updated_at datetime x
    veteran_file_number string ∗ x x PII. The VBA corporate file number of the Veteran for this review. There can sometimes be more than one file number per Veteran.

    'ramp_election_rollbacks' table

    If a RAMP election needs to get rolled back, for example if the EP is canceled, it is tracked here. Also any VACOLS issues that were closed in the legacy system and opted into RAMP are re-opened in the legacy system.
    created_at datetime ∗ x Timestamp for when the rollback was created.
    id integer (8) PK x
    ramp_election_id integer (8) FK x The ID of the RAMP Election being rolled back.
    reason string ∗ x The reason for rolling back the RAMP Election. Rollbacks happen automatically for canceled RAMP Election End Products, but can also happen for other reason such as by request.
    reopened_vacols_ids string The IDs of any legacy appeals which were reopened as a result of rolling back the RAMP Election, corresponding to the VACOLS BFKEY.
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Timestamp for when the rollback was last updated.
    user_id integer (8) FK x The user who created the RAMP Election rollback, typically a system user.

    'ramp_issues' table

    Issues added to an end product as contentions for RAMP reviews. For RAMP elections, these are created in VBMS after the end product is established and updated in Caseflow when the end product is synced. For RAMP refilings, these are selected from the RAMP election's issues and added to the RAMP refiling end product that is established.
    contention_reference_id string The ID of the contention created in VBMS that corresponds to the RAMP issue.
    created_at datetime
    description string ∗ x The description of the contention in VBMS.
    id integer PK x
    review_id integer ∗ FK x x The ID of the RAMP election or RAMP refiling for this issue.
    review_type string ∗ x x The type of RAMP review the issue is on, indicating whether this is a RAMP election issue or a RAMP refiling issue.
    source_issue_id integer FK If a RAMP election issue added to a RAMP refiling, it is the source issue for the corresponding RAMP refiling issue.
    updated_at datetime x

    'ramp_refilings' table

    Intake data for RAMP refilings, also known as RAMP selection.
    appeal_docket string ∗ x When the RAMP refiling option selected is appeal, they can select hearing, direct review or evidence submission as the appeal docket.
    created_at datetime
    established_at datetime Timestamp for when the review successfully established, including any related actions such as establishing a claim in VBMS if applicable.
    establishment_processed_at datetime Timestamp for when the end product establishments for the RAMP review finished processing.
    establishment_submitted_at datetime Timestamp for when an intake for a review was submitted by the user.
    has_ineligible_issue boolean Selected by the user during intake, indicates whether the Veteran listed ineligible issues on their refiling.
    id integer PK x
    option_selected string ∗ x Which lane the RAMP refiling is for, between appeal, higher level review, and supplemental claim.
    receipt_date date ∗ x Receipt date of the RAMP form.
    updated_at datetime x
    veteran_file_number string ∗ x x PII. The VBA corporate file number of the Veteran for this review. There can sometimes be more than one file number per Veteran.

    'record_synced_by_jobs' table

    created_at datetime
    error string
    id integer (8) PK x
    processed_at datetime
    record_id integer (8) FK x
    record_type string x
    sync_job_name string
    updated_at datetime x

    'remand_reasons' table

    code string
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    decision_issue_id integer FK x
    id integer (8) PK x
    post_aoj boolean
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x

    'request_decision_issues' table

    Join table for the has and belongs to many to many relationship between request issues and decision issues.
    created_at datetime ∗ x Automatic timestamp when row was created.
    decision_issue_id integer FK x The ID of the decision issue.
    deleted_at datetime x
    id integer (8) PK x
    request_issue_id integer FK x The ID of the request issue.
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Automatically populated when the record is updated.

    'request_issues' table

    Each Request Issue represents the Veteran's response to a Rating Issue. Request Issues come in three flavors: rating, nonrating, and unidentified. They are attached to a Decision Review and (for those that track contentions) an End Product Establishment. A Request Issue can contest a rating issue, a decision issue, or a nonrating issue without a decision issue.
    benefit_type string ∗ x The Line of Business the issue is connected with.
    closed_at datetime x Timestamp when the request issue was closed. The reason it was closed is in closed_status.
    closed_status string Indicates whether the request issue is closed, for example if it was removed from a Decision Review, the associated End Product got canceled, the Decision Review was withdrawn.
    contention_reference_id integer x The ID of the contention created on the End Product for this request issue. This is populated after the contention is created in VBMS.
    contention_removed_at datetime When a request issue is removed from a Decision Review during an edit, if it has a contention in VBMS that is also removed. This field indicates when the contention has successfully been removed in VBMS.
    contention_updated_at datetime Timestamp indicating when a contention was successfully updated in VBMS.
    contested_decision_issue_id integer FK x The ID of the decision issue that this request issue contests. A Request issue will contest either a rating issue or a decision issue
    contested_issue_description string Description of the contested rating or decision issue. Will be either a rating issue's decision text or a decision issue's description.
    contested_rating_decision_reference_id string x The BGS id for contested rating decisions. These may not have corresponding contested_rating_issue_reference_id values.
    contested_rating_issue_diagnostic_code string If the contested issue is a rating issue, this is the rating issue's diagnostic code. Will be nil if this request issue contests a decision issue.
    contested_rating_issue_profile_date string If the contested issue is a rating issue, this is the rating issue's profile date. Will be nil if this request issue contests a decision issue.
    contested_rating_issue_reference_id string x If the contested issue is a rating issue, this is the rating issue's reference id. Will be nil if this request issue contests a decision issue.
    corrected_by_request_issue_id integer FK If this request issue has been corrected, the ID of the new correction request issue. This is needed for EP 930.
    correction_type string EP 930 correction type. Allowed values: control, local_quality_error, national_quality_error where 'control' is a regular correction, 'local_quality_error' was found after the fact by a local quality review team, and 'national_quality_error' was similarly found by a national quality review team. This is needed for EP 930.
    covid_timeliness_exempt boolean If a veteran requests a timeliness exemption that is related to COVID-19, this is captured when adding a Request Issue and available for reporting.
    created_at datetime Automatic timestamp when row was created
    decision_date date Either the rating issue's promulgation date, the decision issue's approx decision date or the decision date entered by the user (for nonrating and unidentified issues)
    decision_review_id integer (8) FK x ID of the decision review that this request issue belongs to
    decision_review_type string x Class name of the decision review that this request issue belongs to
    decision_sync_attempted_at datetime Async job processing last attempted timestamp
    decision_sync_canceled_at datetime Timestamp when job was abandoned
    decision_sync_error string Async job processing last error message
    decision_sync_last_submitted_at datetime Async job processing most recent start timestamp
    decision_sync_processed_at datetime Async job processing completed timestamp
    decision_sync_submitted_at datetime Async job processing start timestamp
    edited_description string The edited description for the contested issue, optionally entered by the user.
    end_product_establishment_id integer FK x The ID of the End Product Establishment created for this request issue.
    id integer (8) PK x
    ineligible_due_to_id integer (8) FK x If a request issue is ineligible due to another request issue, for example that issue is already being actively reviewed, then the ID of the other request issue is stored here.
    ineligible_reason string x The reason for a Request Issue being ineligible. If a Request Issue has an ineligible_reason, it is still captured, but it will not get a contention in VBMS or a decision.
    is_predocket_needed boolean Indicates whether or not an issue has been selected to go to the pre-docket queue opposed to normal docketing.
    is_unidentified boolean Indicates whether a Request Issue is unidentified, meaning it wasn't found in the list of contestable issues, and is not a new nonrating issue. Contentions for unidentified issues are created on a rating End Product if processed in VBMS but without the issue description, and someone is required to edit it in Caseflow before proceeding with the decision.
    nonrating_issue_category string The category selected for nonrating request issues. These vary by business line.
    nonrating_issue_description string The user entered description if the issue is a nonrating issue
    notes text Notes added by the Claims Assistant when adding request issues. This may be used to capture handwritten notes on the form, or other comments the CA wants to capture.
    ramp_claim_id string If a rating issue was created as a result of an issue intaken for a RAMP Review, it will be connected to the former RAMP issue by its End Product's claim ID.
    rating_issue_associated_at datetime Timestamp when a contention and its contested rating issue are associated in VBMS.
    split_issue_status string If a request issue is part of a split, on_hold status applies to the original request issues while active are request issues on splitted appeals
    type string Determines whether the issue is a rating issue or a nonrating issue
    unidentified_issue_text string User entered description if the request issue is neither a rating or a nonrating issue
    untimely_exemption boolean If the contested issue's decision date was more than a year before the receipt date, it is considered untimely (unless it is a Supplemental Claim). However, an exemption to the timeliness can be requested. If so, it is indicated here.
    untimely_exemption_notes text Notes related to the untimeliness exemption requested.
    updated_at datetime x Automatic timestamp whenever the record changes.
    vacols_id string The vacols_id of the legacy appeal that had an issue found to match the request issue.
    vacols_sequence_id integer The vacols_sequence_id, for the specific issue on the legacy appeal which the Claims Assistant determined to match the request issue on the Decision Review. A combination of the vacols_id (for the legacy appeal), and vacols_sequence_id (for which issue on the legacy appeal), is required to identify the issue being opted-in.
    verified_unidentified_issue boolean A verified unidentified issue allows an issue whose rating data is missing to be intaken as a regular rating issue. In order to be marked as verified, a VSR needs to confirm that they were able to find the record of the decision for the issue.
    veteran_participant_id string x The veteran participant ID. This should be unique in upstream systems and used in the future to reconcile duplicates.

    'request_issues_updates' table

    Keeps track of edits to request issues on a decision review that happen after the initial intake, such as removing and adding issues. When the decision review is processed in VBMS, this also tracks whether adding or removing contentions in VBMS for the update has succeeded.
    after_request_issue_ids integer ∗ x An array of the active request issue IDs after a user has finished editing a decision review. Used with before_request_issue_ids to determine appropriate actions (such as which contentions need to be added).
    attempted_at datetime Timestamp for when the request issue update processing was last attempted.
    before_request_issue_ids integer ∗ x An array of the active request issue IDs previously on the decision review before this editing session. Used with after_request_issue_ids to determine appropriate actions (such as which contentions need to be removed).
    canceled_at datetime Timestamp when job was abandoned
    corrected_request_issue_ids integer An array of the request issue IDs that were corrected during this request issues update.
    created_at datetime Timestamp when record was initially created
    edited_request_issue_ids integer An array of the request issue IDs that were edited during this request issues update
    error string The error message if the last attempt at processing the request issues update was not successful.
    id integer (8) PK x
    last_submitted_at datetime Timestamp for when the processing for the request issues update was last submitted. Used to determine how long to continue retrying the processing job. Can be reset to allow for additional retries.
    processed_at datetime Timestamp for when the request issue update successfully completed processing.
    review_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x The ID of the decision review edited.
    review_type string ∗ x x The type of the decision review edited.
    submitted_at datetime Timestamp when the request issues update was originally submitted.
    updated_at datetime x Timestamp when record was last updated.
    user_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x The ID of the user who edited the decision review.
    withdrawn_request_issue_ids integer An array of the request issue IDs that were withdrawn during this request issues update.

    'schedule_periods' table

    created_at datetime ∗ x
    end_date date ∗ x
    file_name string ∗ x
    finalized boolean
    id integer (8) PK x
    start_date date ∗ x
    type string ∗ x
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x
    user_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x

    'sent_hearing_admin_email_events' table

    created_at datetime ∗ x
    external_message_id string The ID returned by the GovDelivery API when we send an email.
    id integer (8) PK x
    sent_hearing_email_event_id integer (8) FK Associated sent hearing email event.
    updated_at datetime ∗ x

    'sent_hearing_email_events' table

    Events related to hearings notification emails
    email_address string Address the email was sent to
    email_recipient_id integer (8) FK Associated HearingEmailRecipient
    email_type string The type of email sent: cancellation, confirmation, updated_time_confirmation
    external_message_id string The ID returned by the GovDelivery API when we send an email
    hearing_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x Associated hearing
    hearing_type string ∗ x x 'Hearing' or 'LegacyHearing'
    id integer (8) PK x
    recipient_role string The role of the recipient: veteran, representative, judge
    send_successful boolean This column keeps track of whether the email was sent or not
    send_successful_checked_at datetime The date the status was last checked/updated in the GovDelivery API
    sent_at datetime ∗ x The date and time the email was sent
    sent_by_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x User who initiated sending the email

    'special_issue_lists' table

    Associates special issues to an AMA or legacy appeal for Caseflow Queue. Caseflow Dispatch uses special issues stored in legacy_appeals. They are intentionally disconnected.
    appeal_id integer (8) FK x The ID of the appeal associated with this record
    appeal_type string x The type of appeal associated with this record
    blue_water boolean Blue Water
    burn_pit boolean Burn Pit
    contaminated_water_at_camp_lejeune boolean
    created_at datetime
    dic_death_or_accrued_benefits_united_states boolean
    education_gi_bill_dependents_educational_assistance_scholars boolean
    foreign_claim_compensation_claims_dual_claims_appeals boolean
    foreign_pension_dic_all_other_foreign_countries boolean
    foreign_pension_dic_mexico_central_and_south_america_caribb boolean
    hearing_including_travel_board_video_conference boolean
    home_loan_guaranty boolean
    id integer (8) PK x
    incarcerated_veterans boolean
    insurance boolean
    manlincon_compliance boolean
    military_sexual_trauma boolean Military Sexual Trauma (MST)
    mustard_gas boolean
    national_cemetery_administration boolean
    no_special_issues boolean Affirmative no special issues, added belatedly
    nonrating_issue boolean
    pension_united_states boolean
    private_attorney_or_agent boolean
    radiation boolean
    rice_compliance boolean
    spina_bifida boolean
    updated_at datetime x
    us_court_of_appeals_for_veterans_claims boolean US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC)
    us_territory_claim_american_samoa_guam_northern_mariana_isla boolean
    us_territory_claim_philippines boolean
    us_territory_claim_puerto_rico_and_virgin_islands boolean
    vamc boolean
    vocational_rehab boolean
    waiver_of_overpayment boolean

    'split_correlation_tables' table

    Associates the request issues of the split appeal to the original appeal.
    appeal_id integer The new ID of the split appeal associated with this record.
    appeal_type string ∗ x The type of appeal that the split appeal was orginally motioned as (i.e. DR,ES,SC).
    appeal_uuid uuid ∗ x The universally unique identifier for the appeal, which allows a single ID to determine an appeal for Caseflow splitted appeals.
    created_at datetime ∗ x The datetime when the split appeal was created
    created_by_id integer ∗ x The user css_id that created the split appeal.
    id integer (8) PK x
    original_appeal_id integer ∗ x The original appeal id from where the split appeal appeal_id was created from.
    original_appeal_uuid string ∗ x The original source appeal uuid from where the split was generated from.
    original_request_issue_id integer ∗ x The original request issue id and the corresponding request issue id created from the split appeal process.
    relationship_type string The new split_appeal relationship type created from the split and maybe used for future correlations.
    split_other_reason string The other reason for splitting the appeal from comment section.
    split_reason string Reason for splitting the appeal from drop menu.
    split_request_issue_id integer ∗ x The original request issue id and the corresponding request issue id created from the split appeal process.
    updated_at datetime The datetime when the split appeal was updated at.
    updated_by_id integer The user css_id who most recently updated the split appeal workflow.
    working_split_status string ∗ x The work flow status of the split appeal (i.e. on_hold, in_progress, cancelled, completed).

    'supplemental_claims' table

    Intake data for Supplemental Claims.
    benefit_type string ∗ x The benefit type selected by the Veteran on their form, also known as a Line of Business.
    created_at datetime
    decision_review_remanded_id integer (8) FK x If an Appeal or Higher Level Review decision is remanded, including Duty to Assist errors, it automatically generates a new Supplemental Claim. If this Supplemental Claim was generated, then the ID of the original Decision Review with the remanded decision is stored here.
    decision_review_remanded_type string x The type of the Decision Review remanded if applicable, used with decision_review_remanded_id to as a composite key to identify the remanded Decision Review.
    establishment_attempted_at datetime Timestamp for the most recent attempt at establishing a claim.
    establishment_canceled_at datetime Timestamp when job was abandoned
    establishment_error string The error captured for the most recent attempt at establishing a claim if it failed. This is removed once establishing the claim succeeds.
    establishment_last_submitted_at datetime Timestamp for the latest attempt at establishing the End Products for the Decision Review.
    establishment_processed_at datetime Timestamp for when the End Product Establishments for the Decision Review successfully finished processing.
    establishment_submitted_at datetime Timestamp for when the Supplemental Claim was submitted by a Claims Assistant. This adds the End Product Establishment to a job to finish processing asynchronously.
    filed_by_va_gov boolean Indicates whether or not this form came from
    id integer (8) PK x
    legacy_opt_in_approved boolean Indicates whether a Veteran opted to withdraw their Supplemental Claim request issues from the legacy system if a matching issue is found. If there is a matching legacy issue and it is not withdrawn, then that issue is ineligible to be a new request issue and a contention will not be created for it.
    receipt_date date ∗ x The date that the Supplemental Claim form was received by central mail. Only issues decided prior to the receipt date will show up as contestable issues. It is also the claim date for any associated end products that are established. Supplemental Claims do not have the same timeliness restriction on contestable issues as Appeals and Higher Level Reviews.
    updated_at datetime x
    uuid uuid ∗ x x The universally unique identifier for the Supplemental Claim. Can be used to link to the claim after it is completed.
    veteran_file_number string ∗ x x PII. The file number of the Veteran that the Supplemental Claim is for.
    veteran_is_not_claimant boolean Indicates whether the Veteran is the claimant on the Supplemental Claim form, or if the claimant is someone else like a spouse or a child. Must be TRUE if the Veteran is deceased.

    'system_admin_events' table

    completed_at datetime Timestamp of when event was completed without error
    created_at datetime Timestamp of when event was initiated
    errored_at datetime Timestamp of when event failed due to error
    event_type string ∗ x Type of event
    id integer (8) PK x
    info json Additional information about the event
    updated_at datetime Timestamp of when event was last updated
    user_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x User who initiated the event

    'tags' table

    created_at datetime ∗ x
    id integer PK x
    text string ∗ x x
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x

    'tasks' table

    appeal_id integer ∗ FK x x
    appeal_type string ∗ x x
    assigned_at datetime
    assigned_by_id integer FK
    assigned_to_id integer ∗ FK x x
    assigned_to_type string ∗ x x
    cancellation_reason string x Reason for latest cancellation status
    cancelled_by_id integer FK ID of user that cancelled the task. Backfilled from versions table. Can be nil if task was cancelled before this column was added or if there is no user logged in when the task is cancelled
    closed_at datetime
    completed_by_id integer FK ID of user that marked task complete
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    id integer (8) PK x
    instructions text
    parent_id integer FK x
    placed_on_hold_at datetime
    started_at datetime
    status string ∗ x x
    type string ∗ x x
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x

    'task_timers' table

    A task timer allows an associated task's (like EvidenceSubmissionWindowTask and TimedHoldTask) `when_timer_ends` method to be run asynchronously after timer expires.
    attempted_at datetime Async timestamp for most recent attempt to run Task#when_timer_ends.
    canceled_at datetime Timestamp when job was abandoned. Associated task is typically cancelled.
    created_at datetime ∗ x Automatic timestamp for record creation.
    error string Async any error message from most recent failed attempt to run.
    id integer (8) PK x
    last_submitted_at datetime Async timestamp for most recent job start. Initially set to when timer should expire (Task#timer_ends_at).
    processed_at datetime Async timestamp for when the job completes successfully. Associated task's method Task#when_timer_ends ran successfully.
    submitted_at datetime Async timestamp for initial job start.
    task_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x ID of the associated Task to be run.
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Automatic timestmap for record update.

    'team_quotas' table

    created_at datetime ∗ x
    date date ∗ x x
    id integer PK x
    task_type string ∗ x x
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x
    user_count integer

    'transcriptions' table

    created_at datetime Automatic timestamp of when transcription was created
    expected_return_date date Expected date when transcription would be returned by the transcriber
    hearing_id integer (8) FK x Hearing ID; use as FK to hearings
    id integer (8) PK x
    problem_notice_sent_date date Date when notice of problem with recording was sent to appellant
    problem_type string Any problem with hearing recording; could be one of: 'No audio', 'Poor Audio Quality', 'Incomplete Hearing' or 'Other (see notes)'
    requested_remedy string Any remedy requested by the apellant for the recording problem; could be one of: 'Proceed without transcript', 'Proceed with partial transcript' or 'New hearing'
    sent_to_transcriber_date date Date when the recording was sent to transcriber
    task_number string Number associated with transcription
    transcriber string Contractor who will transcribe the recording; i.e, 'Genesis Government Solutions, Inc.', 'Jamison Professional Services', etc
    updated_at datetime x Automatic timestamp of when transcription was updated
    uploaded_to_vbms_date date Date when the hearing transcription was uploaded to VBMS

    'unrecognized_appellants' table

    Unrecognized non-veteran appellants
    claimant_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x The OtherClaimant or HealthcareProviderClaimant record associating this appellant to a DecisionReview.
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    created_by_id integer (8) ∗ FK x The user that created this version of the unrecognized appellant
    current_version_id integer (8) FK The current version for this unrecognized appellant
    id integer (8) PK x
    poa_participant_id string Identifier of the appellant's POA, if they have a CorpDB participant_id
    relationship string ∗ x Relationship to veteran. Allowed values: attorney, child, spouse, other, or healthcare_provider.
    unrecognized_party_detail_id integer (8) FK x Contact details
    unrecognized_power_of_attorney_id integer (8) FK x Appellant's POA, if they aren't in CorpDB.
    updated_at datetime ∗ x

    'unrecognized_party_details' table

    For an appellant or POA, name and contact details for an unrecognized person or organization
    address_line_1 string ∗ x PII
    address_line_2 string PII
    address_line_3 string PII
    city string ∗ x
    country string ∗ x
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    date_of_birth date PII
    ein string PII. Employer Identification Number
    email_address string PII
    id integer (8) PK x
    last_name string PII
    middle_name string PII
    name string ∗ x PII. Name of organization, or first name or mononym of person
    party_type string ∗ x The type of this party. Allowed values: individual, organization
    phone_number string PII
    ssn string PII. Social Security Number
    state string ∗ x
    suffix string PII
    updated_at datetime ∗ x
    zip string ∗ x

    'users' table

    Authenticated Caseflow users
    created_at datetime
    css_id string ∗ x x
    efolder_documents_fetched_at datetime Date when efolder documents were cached in s3 for this user
    email string
    full_name string
    id integer PK x
    last_login_at datetime The last time the user-agent (browser) provided session credentials; see User.from_session for precision
    roles string
    selected_regional_office string
    station_id string ∗ x
    status string x Whether or not the user is an active user of caseflow
    status_updated_at datetime When the user's status was last updated
    updated_at datetime x

    'user_quotas' table

    created_at datetime ∗ x
    id integer PK x
    locked_task_count integer
    team_quota_id integer ∗ FK x x
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x
    user_id integer ∗ FK x x

    'vbms_communication_packages' table

    comm_package_name string ∗ x
    copies integer (8) ∗ x
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    created_by_id integer (8) x
    document_mailable_via_pacman_id integer (8) FK x
    document_mailable_via_pacman_type string x
    file_number string ∗ x number associated with the documents.
    id integer (8) PK x
    status string
    updated_at datetime ∗ x
    updated_by_id integer (8) x
    uuid string UUID of the communication package in Package Manager (Pacman)

    'vbms_distributions' table

    claimant_station_of_jurisdiction string ∗ x Can't be null if [recipient_type] is ro-colocated.
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    created_by_id integer (8) x
    first_name string ∗ x recipient's first name. If Type is [person] then it cant be null.
    id integer (8) PK x
    last_name string ∗ x recipient's last name. If Type is [person] then it cant be null.
    middle_name string recipient's middle name.
    name string ∗ x should only be used for non-person entity names. Not null if [recipient_type] is organization, ro-colocated, or System.
    participant_id string recipient's participant id.
    poa_code string ∗ x Can't be null if [recipient_type] is ro-colocated. The recipients POA code
    recipient_type string ∗ x Must be one of [person, organization, ro-colocated, System].
    updated_at datetime ∗ x
    updated_by_id integer (8) x
    uuid string UUID of the distrubtion in Package Manager (Pacman)
    vbms_communication_package_id integer (8) FK x

    'vbms_distribution_destinations' table

    address_line_1 string ∗ x PII. If destination_type is domestic, international, or military then Must not be null.
    address_line_2 string ∗ x PII. If treatLine2AsAddressee is [true] then must not be null
    address_line_3 string ∗ x PII. If treatLine3AsAddressee is [true] then must not be null
    address_line_4 string PII.
    address_line_5 string PII.
    address_line_6 string PII.
    city string ∗ x PII. If type is [domestic, international, military] then Must not be null
    country_code string ∗ x Must be exactly two-letter ISO 3166 code.
    country_name string ∗ x
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    created_by_id integer (8) x
    destination_type string ∗ x Must be 'domesticAddress', 'internationalAddress', 'militaryAddress', 'derived', 'email', or 'sms'. Cannot be 'physicalAddress'.
    id integer (8) PK x
    postal_code string ∗ x
    state string ∗ x PII. Must be exactly two-letter ISO 3166-2 code. If destination_type is domestic or military then Must not be null
    treat_line_2_as_addressee boolean
    treat_line_3_as_addressee boolean If true, treatLine2AsAddressee must also be true
    updated_at datetime ∗ x
    updated_by_id integer (8) x
    vbms_distribution_id integer (8) FK x

    'vbms_uploaded_documents' table

    appeal_id integer (8) FK x Appeal/LegacyAppeal ID; use as FK to appeals/legacy_appeals
    appeal_type string x 'Appeal' or 'LegacyAppeal'
    attempted_at datetime
    canceled_at datetime Timestamp when job was abandoned
    created_at datetime ∗ x
    document_name string
    document_series_reference_id string UUID that is provided by eFolder that represents the group of documentsthis document belongs to. Think of a series as a stack of versions.
    document_subject string
    document_type string ∗ x
    document_version_reference_id string UUID that is provided by eFolder that represents the specific version of the document.
    error string
    id integer (8) PK x
    last_submitted_at datetime
    processed_at datetime
    submitted_at datetime
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x
    uploaded_to_vbms_at datetime
    veteran_file_number string x

    'veterans' table

    bgs_last_synced_at datetime The last time cached BGS attributes were synced
    closest_regional_office string
    created_at datetime
    date_of_death date Date of Death reported by BGS, cached locally
    date_of_death_reported_at datetime The datetime that date_of_death last changed for veteran.
    file_number string ∗ x x PII. Veteran's file_number
    first_name string ∗ x PII. Veteran's first name
    id integer (8) PK x
    last_name string ∗ x PII. Veteran's last name
    middle_name string PII. Veteran's middle name
    name_suffix string
    participant_id string x
    ssn string x PII. The cached Social Security Number
    updated_at datetime x

    'virtual_hearings' table

    alias string x Alias for conference in Pexip
    alias_with_host string Alias for conference in pexip with client_host
    appellant_email string Appellant's email address
    appellant_email_sent boolean ∗ x Determines whether or not a notification email was sent to the appellant
    appellant_reminder_sent_at datetime The datetime the last reminder email was sent to the appellant.
    appellant_tz string (50) Stores appellant timezone
    conference_deleted boolean ∗ x Whether or not the conference was deleted from Pexip
    conference_id integer x ID of conference from Pexip
    created_at datetime ∗ x Automatic timestamp of when virtual hearing was created
    created_by_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x User who created the virtual hearing
    guest_hearing_link string Link used by appellants and/or representatives to join virtual hearing conference
    guest_pin integer PIN number for guests of Pexip conference
    guest_pin_long string (11) Change the guest pin to store a longer pin with the # sign trailing
    hearing_id integer (8) FK x Associated hearing
    hearing_type string x 'Hearing' or 'LegacyHearing'
    host_hearing_link string Link used by judges to join virtual hearing conference
    host_pin integer PIN number for host of Pexip conference
    host_pin_long string (8) Change the host pin to store a longer pin with the # sign trailing
    id integer (8) PK x
    judge_email string Judge's email address
    judge_email_sent boolean ∗ x Whether or not a notification email was sent to the judge
    representative_email string Veteran's representative's email address
    representative_email_sent boolean ∗ x Whether or not a notification email was sent to the veteran's representative
    representative_reminder_sent_at datetime The datetime the last reminder email was sent to the representative.
    representative_tz string (50) Stores representative timezone
    request_cancelled boolean Determines whether the user has cancelled the virtual hearing request
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Automatic timestamp of when virtual hearing was updated
    updated_by_id integer (8) FK x The ID of the user who most recently updated the virtual hearing

    'virtual_hearing_establishments' table

    attempted_at datetime Async timestamp for most recent attempt to run.
    canceled_at datetime Timestamp when job was abandoned.
    created_at datetime ∗ x Automatic timestamp when row was created.
    error string Async any error message from most recent failed attempt to run.
    id integer (8) PK x
    last_submitted_at datetime Async timestamp for most recent job start.
    processed_at datetime Timestamp for when the virtual hearing was successfully processed.
    submitted_at datetime Async timestamp for initial job start.
    updated_at datetime ∗ x Timestamp when record was last updated.
    virtual_hearing_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x Virtual Hearing the conference is being established for.

    'vso_configs' table

    created_at datetime ∗ x
    id integer (8) PK x
    ihp_dockets string
    organization_id integer FK x
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x

    'work_modes' table

    Captures user's current work mode for appeals being worked
    appeal_id integer ∗ FK x x Appeal ID -- use as FK to AMA appeals and legacy appeals
    appeal_type string ∗ x x Whether appeal_id is for AMA or legacy appeals
    created_at datetime ∗ x Standard created_at/updated_at timestamps
    id integer (8) PK x
    overtime boolean Whether the appeal is currently marked as being worked as overtime
    updated_at datetime ∗ x Standard created_at/updated_at timestamps

    'worksheet_issues' table

    allow boolean
    appeal_id integer FK x
    created_at datetime
    deleted_at datetime x
    deny boolean
    description string
    dismiss boolean
    disposition string
    from_vacols boolean
    id integer PK x
    notes string
    omo boolean
    remand boolean
    reopen boolean
    updated_at datetime x
    vacols_sequence_id string ∗ x