Intake Workflow #
Intake creates data that can trace a claim through its initial decision, through any requests to contest that decision or subsequent decisions, all the way to the final decision(s).
It helps present data to veterans in the same way they already view decision reviews, as an extension to their original claim.
Mail Intake #
graph TD claim --> claim_decision claim_decision --> V[Veteran] V --> |form| BvaMail[BVA mail intake] BvaMail -.- NOD BvaMail -.- mailPortal[Mail Portal] mailPortal --> |documents| vbmsEFolder[VBMS eFolder] BvaMail --> docket{docket?} BvaMail --> TranslationTask BvaMail --> |change POA| PoaMailTask PoaMailTask --> newTrackVet[new TrackVeteranTask] PoaMailTask --> |if necessary| newIHP[new IHPTask] BvaMail --> AodMailTask AodMailTask -.- |decided by| VLJ docket --> |if H| Hearing Hearing -.- |presided by| VLJ Hearing --> ACD ACD --> Decision %% Decision -.- VLJ Decision --> Dispatch docket --> |if ES| EvidenceSubmissionWindowTask EvidenceSubmissionWindowTask --> ACD BvaMail --> TrackVeteranTask VSO -.- TrackVeteranTask VSO --> |if IHP-writing VSO| IHPTask
graph TD validate[Validate form] validate --> add_issues[add issues from veteran's decision review] add_issues --> |match to| decision add_issues --> |same issue as| legacy
Business Lines #
Once Intake is done, there are 3 major flows for AMA decision review:
- HLR & SC (Compensation and Pension) - in VBMS
- Request issues are represented as contentions on EPs in VBMS
- Request issues (in the same appeal) can map to contentions in different EPs.
- Once EP is cleared/completed, Caseflow loads the new rating issues (and dispositions) to create VA decision issues on AMA decision reviews.
- A decision issue maps to only one rating issue or nothing.
- HLR & SC (other business lines) - in Caseflow
- One queue for each non-VBMS business line.
- No EPs or contentions. For each request issue, create a decision issue with the disposition.
- Board Appeals - in Caseflow
- Attorneys create decision issues, not raters.
- Dispositions on decision issues get outcoded to contentions on a new(?) EP, and a new rating issue is created.
- The only purpose of the EP is to email the person of the decision.
- Only VBA Compensation and Pension business lines use ratings (and VBMS).
- The 7 other business lines use nonrating request issues.
- Unidentified issues should be resolved before making decisions on them. Otherwise, they will be considered ineligible.
graph TD bizlines{business lines} mailPortal[Mail Portal] mailPortal --> |documents| vbmsEFolder[VBMS eFolder] bizlines --> |Compensation| mailPortal bizlines --> |Pension| mailPortal bizlines --> |small volume| manual[NCA, Fiduciary, VHA, Loan Guaranty, Eudcation, Insurance] bizlines --> |performs| record_request record_request --> |document| bizlines
Decision Review Lanes #
graph TD decision_review_lanes --> SC decision_review_lanes --> HLR decision_review_lanes --> Board_Appeal SC --> |decision saved| issue_complete HLR --> |decision saved| issue_complete form --> |specifies| decision_review_lanes form --> Intake[Intake within 24 hrs] Intake --> intake_complete Intake --> intake_cancelled
Caseflow and EPs #
graph TD EP --> |has| request_issue request_issue --> |can result in many| decision_issue decision_issue --> |can satisfy many| request_issue Caseflow --> |creates in VBMS| EP EP --> |has one or more| contention contention --> |connects to| rating_issue Caseflow --> close_legacy[close legacy appeal issues or legacy appeals] Caseflow --> |polls EPs in| VBMS VBMS --> EP_state{EP state?} EP_state --> |cancelled| Caseflow_closes_issues EP_state --> |cleared, takes 24hrs from BGS| Caseflow_syncs Caseflow_syncs --> |syncs| contention_disposition rating_issue --> Caseflow_sync_VBMS_decision_review contention_disposition --> Caseflow_sync_VBMS_decision_review Caseflow_sync_VBMS_decision_review --> |creates| decision_issue Caseflow_sync_VBMS_decision_review --> dtaError{DTA error?} dtaError --> |yes| auto_create_SC auto_create_SC --> SupplementalClaim
After Dispatched #
graph TD board_grants --> |notified during outcode| bizline bizline --> |confirms in Caseflow| grant_effectuation grant_effectuation --> bizlineUsesVBMS{bizline uses VBMS?} bizlineUsesVBMS --> |yes| Caseflow_creates_effectuation_EP bizlineUsesVBMS --> |no| Caseflow_uses_task
graph TD Dispatch --> |dispatched| outcode outcode --> bizline{bizline?} bizline --> |VBMS| EP bizline --> |VBMS| SupplementalClaim bizline --> |VBMS| DecisionIssue subgraph Compensation and Pension bizline worked in VBMS EP SupplementalClaim DecisionIssue end bizline --> |Non-compensation| NonCompen_SupplementalClaim subgraph Other bizline worked in CaseflowIntake NonCompen_SupplementalClaim end
Intake Models #
- Ratings and rating issues are stored in the VBA Corp DB.
- Caseflow and VBMS both use BGS, which queries Corp DB.
- Request issues can also match legacy issues in VACOLS.
- Veteran can choose to close the VACOLS legacy issue with a disposition designating that it’s been opted into the AMA process.
graph TD Veteran -.- Rating Rating -.- RatingIssue RequestIssue -.- Contention RequestIssue -.- RatingIssue RequestIssue -.- EndProductEstablishment RequestIssue -.- DecisionIssue DecisionIssue -.- DecisionReview Veteran -.- EndProduct EndProduct -.- EndProductEstablishment ClaimReview --> |inherits| DecisionReview SupplementalClaim --> |inherits| ClaimReview HigherLevelReview --> |inherits| ClaimReview Appeal --> |inherits| DecisionReview Appeal --> |has multiple| DecisionDocument DecisionDocument -.- BoardGrantEffectuation