Cavc Remand Processed Letter Response Window Task Organization

| Tasks Overview | All Tasks | DR tasks | ES tasks | H tasks |

CavcRemandProcessedLetterResponseWindowTask_Organization Description #

Task stats for DR, for ES, for H dockets.

Code comments extracted from Ruby file:

  • Task to indicate that Litigation Support is awaiting a response from the appellant, after sending the CAVC-remand-processed letter to an appellant (SendCavcRemandProcessedLetterTask).

  • This task is for CAVC Remand appeal streams.

  • The appeal is put on hold for 90 days, with the option of ending the hold early.

  • After 90 days, the task comes off hold and show up in the CavcLitigationSupport team’s unassigned tab to be assigned and acted upon.

  • While on-hold, a CAVC Litigation Support user has the ability to add actions in response to Veterans replying before the 90-day window is complete. If they end the hold, they can put the task back on hold.

  • Users cannot mark task complete without ending the hold.

  • Expected parent: CavcTask

  • Expected assigned_to.type: CavcLitigationSupport

  • CAVC Remands Overview: