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CavcRemandProcessedLetterResponseWindowTask_Organization Description #
Task stats for DR, for ES, for H dockets.
Code comments extracted from Ruby file:
Task to indicate that Litigation Support is awaiting a response from the appellant, after sending the CAVC-remand-processed letter to an appellant (SendCavcRemandProcessedLetterTask).
This task is for CAVC Remand appeal streams.
The appeal is put on hold for 90 days, with the option of ending the hold early.
After 90 days, the task comes off hold and show up in the CavcLitigationSupport team’s unassigned tab to be assigned and acted upon.
While on-hold, a CAVC Litigation Support user has the ability to add actions in response to Veterans replying before the 90-day window is complete. If they end the hold, they can put the task back on hold.
Users cannot mark task complete without ending the hold.
Expected parent: CavcTask
Expected assigned_to.type: CavcLitigationSupport
CAVC Remands Overview: https://github.com/department-of-veterans-affairs/caseflow/wiki/CAVC-Remands