Informal Hearing Presentation Task Organization

| Tasks Overview | All Tasks | DR tasks | ES tasks | H tasks |

InformalHearingPresentationTask_Organization Description #

Task stats for DR, for ES, for H dockets.

Code comments extracted from Ruby file:

  • Task assigned to VSOs to submit an Informal Hearing Presentation for Veterans who have elected not to have a hearing.

  • IHPs are a chance for VSOs to make final arguments before a case is sent to the Board.

  • BVA typically (but not always) waits for an IHP to be submitted before making a decision.

  • If an appeal is in the Direct Review docket, this task is automatically created as a child of DistributionTask if the representing VSO should_write_ihp?(appeal) – see IhpTasksFactory.create_ihp_tasks!.

  • For an Evidence Submission docket, this task is created as the child of DistributionTask after the 90 evidence submission window is complete.

For an Evidence Submission docket, this task is created after the 90 evidence submission window is complete, also as the child of the DistributionTask.

See epic

InformalHearingPresentationTasks are created when IHP tasks is automatically created by Caseflow (and assigned to a specific VSO), while IhpColocatedTasks are created (and assigned to the Colocated team) when manually created by a user.