Judge Assign Task User

| Tasks Overview | All Tasks | DR tasks | ES tasks | H tasks |

JudgeAssignTask_User Description #

Task stats for DR, for ES, for H dockets.

Code comments extracted from Ruby file:

  • Task assigned to judge from which they will assign the associated appeal to one of their attorneys by creating a task (an AttorneyTask but not any of its subclasses) to draft a decision on the appeal.

  • Task is created as a result of case distribution.

  • Task should always have a RootTask as its parent.

  • Task can one or more AttorneyTask children, one or more ColocatedTask children, or no child tasks at all.

  • An open task will result in the case appearing in the Judge Assign View.

  • Expected parent task: RootTask

  • Expected child task: JudgeAssignTask can have one or more ColocatedTask children or no child tasks at all.

  • Historically, it can have AttorneyTask children, but AttorneyTasks should now be under JudgeDecisionReviewTasks.

See possible children tasks for DR docket.

When is this task created? #

These scenarios trigger creation of this task:

  1. When a case is distributed the DistributionTask) is closed and a JudgeAssignTask is created.
  2. When an AttorneyTask is cancelled the JudgeDecisionReviewTask is also cancelled and a new JudgeAssignTask is created.
  3. During special case movement we skip to the front of the line of cases waiting to be assigned to judges by closing the DistributionTask and creating a JudgeAssignTask