Mail Task Organization

| Tasks Overview | All Tasks | DR tasks | ES tasks | H tasks |

MailTask_Organization Description #

The parent class to all mail tasks.

Code comments extracted from Ruby file:

  • Task to track when the mail team receives any appeal-related mail from an appellant.
  • Mail is processed by a mail team member, and then a corresponding task is then assigned to an organization.
  • Tasks are assigned to organizations, including VLJ Support, AOD team, Privacy team, and Lit Support, and include:
    • add Evidence or Argument
    • changing Power of Attorney
    • advance a case on docket (AOD)
    • withdrawing an appeal
    • switching dockets
    • add post-decision motions
    • postponing a hearing
    • withdrawing a hearing
  • Adding a mail task to an appeal is done by mail team members and will create a task assigned to the mail team. It will also automatically create a child task assigned to the team the task should be routed to.

These mappings are as follows:

Task type|Assignee