Schedule Hearing Task Organization

| Tasks Overview | All Tasks | DR tasks | ES tasks | H tasks |

ScheduleHearingTask_Organization Description #

At the end of Intake, if the Veteran chose the Hearing docket, this task with a HearingTask parent is created.

Task stats for DR, for ES, for H dockets.

Code comments extracted from Ruby file:

  • Task to schedule a hearing for a veteran making a claim.

  • When this task is created, HearingTask is created as the parent task in the appeal tree.

  • For AMA appeals, task is created by the intake process for any appeal electing to have a hearing.

  • For Legacy appeals, Geomatching is responsible for finding all appeals in VACOLS ready to be scheduled and creating a ScheduleHearingTask for each of them.

  • A coordinator can block this task by creating a HearingAdminActionTask for some reasons listed here:

  • This task also allows coordinators to withdraw unscheduled hearings (i.e cancel this task)

  • For AMA, this creates an EvidenceSubmissionWindowTask as child of parent HearingTask and for legacy appeal, vacols field bfha and bfhr are updated.

  • If cancelled, the parent HearingTask is automatically closed. If this task is the last closed task for the hearing subtree and there are no more open HearingTasks, the logic in HearingTask#when_child_task_completed properly handles routing or creating ihp task.

  • If completed, an AssignHearingDispositionTask is created as a child of HearingTask.

See Schedule Veteran