| Tasks Overview | All Tasks | DR tasks | ES tasks | H tasks |
ScheduleHearingTask_Organization Description #
At the end of Intake, if the Veteran chose the Hearing docket, this task with a HearingTask parent is created.
Task stats for DR, for ES, for H dockets.
Code comments extracted from Ruby file:
Task to schedule a hearing for a veteran making a claim.
When this task is created, HearingTask is created as the parent task in the appeal tree.
For AMA appeals, task is created by the intake process for any appeal electing to have a hearing.
For Legacy appeals, Geomatching is responsible for finding all appeals in VACOLS ready to be scheduled and creating a ScheduleHearingTask for each of them.
A coordinator can block this task by creating a HearingAdminActionTask for some reasons listed here: https://github.com/department-of-veterans-affairs/caseflow/wiki/Caseflow-Hearings#2-schedule-veteran
This task also allows coordinators to withdraw unscheduled hearings (i.e cancel this task)
For AMA, this creates an EvidenceSubmissionWindowTask as child of parent HearingTask and for legacy appeal, vacols field
are updated. -
If cancelled, the parent HearingTask is automatically closed. If this task is the last closed task for the hearing subtree and there are no more open HearingTasks, the logic in HearingTask#when_child_task_completed properly handles routing or creating ihp task.
If completed, an AssignHearingDispositionTask is created as a child of HearingTask.
See Schedule Veteran