| Tasks Overview | All Tasks | DR tasks | ES tasks | H tasks |
SendCavcRemandProcessedLetterTask_Organization Description #
Task stats for DR, for ES, for H dockets.
Code comments extracted from Ruby file:
- Task for Litigation Support to take necessary action before sending the CAVC-remand-processed letter to an appellant.
- This task is for CAVC Remand appeal streams.
- If this task is assigned to an org (i.e., CavcLitigationSupport), then:
- Expected parent: CavcTask
- Expected assigned_to: CavcLitigationSupport
- If this task is assigned to a user (i.e., a member of CavcLitigationSupport), then:
- Expected parent: SendCavcRemandProcessedLetterTask that is assigned to CavcLitigationSupport
- Expected assigned_to.type: User
- CAVC Remands Overview: https://github.com/department-of-veterans-affairs/caseflow/wiki/CAVC-Remands