| Tasks Overview | All Tasks | DR tasks | ES tasks | H tasks |
TrackVeteranTask_Organization Description #
Task stats for DR, for ES, for H dockets.
Code comments extracted from Ruby file:
Task created for appellant representatives to track appeals that have been received by the Board.
After the appeal is established, if the Veteran has a representative, a Track Veteran Task is automatically created and assigned to that representative so they can see their appeals. This could be an: IHP-writing VSO, field VSO, private attorney, or agent.
- If the Veteran has an IHP-writing VSO as their representative, an InformalHearingPresentationTask is also automatically created and assigned.
Private attorneys, agents, and field VSOs cannot create, assign, or be assigned any tasks (other than the TrackVeteranTask, which does not require action).
Assigning this task to the representative results in the associated case appearing in their view in Caseflow.
Created either when:
- a RootTask is created for an appeal represented by a VSO
- the power of attorney changes on an appeal
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