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When storing sensitive information that cannot be publicly exposed. It must be added to all the following locations:


All Devops and Manifests PRs will need a Platform support ticket created for devops team to review.


All variables should first be put in AWS. If it is not done first, when Manifests repo looks for the new variables, it will fail deployment if it is not found. This can be done at AWS with the following steps:

  • Login and find service Systems Manager
  • Goto Parameter Store in left column
  • In search bar, type in mobile and use other mobile keys and urls as reference to how to format new ones. The path need to match exactly what is added to Manifests.

Manifests Repo

Once AWS has the variable, add it to the vsp-infra-application-manifests repo in the following locations:

apps/vets-api/staging/templates/secrets.yaml: This file maps the AWS path to a variable name.

- key: /dsva-vagov/vets-api/prod/mobile_lighthouse_letters/api_url
name: mobile_lighthouse_letters_api_url

apps/vets-api/staging/values.yaml: This file needs two additions: mapping that name from secrets.yaml to an env variables and fetching env variable.

- name: mobile_lighthouse_letters_api_url
path: /dsva-vagov/vets-api/prod/mobile_lighthouse_letters/api_url

Repeat these steps for the production files in apps/vets-api/prod. Dev env is not used by mobile and does not need to be added there.

Devops Repo

If you'd like to use these values in review instances, after updating Manifests repo, add the variables to devops repo in ansible/roles/review-instance-configure/vars/settings.local.yml

Adding Local Settings

Add a new section to config/settings.yml in the vets-api. See mobile entry lighthouse_health_immunization as reference.

This file populates these variables in local spec environment. Variables will get overwritten by the Devops/Manifest values in staging and production.

The names of the variables should be identical to what is in Devops/Manifests repos but the values can be dummy values. They can then be referenced by Settings variable in specs.

Forward Proxy

If updating forward proxies to a URL is necessary, this can be done at ansible/deployment/config, fwdproxy-vagov-staging.yml, and ansible/deployment/config/fwdproxy-vagov-prod.yml