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Directory Layout

The backend code is located in the vets-api repo. The majority of the code can be found in the /modules/mobile/ directory. The module is laid out much like the root of a standard rails project, for instance, it has app/controllers and app/models directories. With that knowledge, you can usually navigate to the code you want fairly easily.

Controllers Directory


Versioning of controllers happens when there is an incompatibility with schema changes from upstream. This does not include new fields additions.

Models Directory


The models directory contains several specific types of classes.

Standard Models

Even though ActiveRecord is not in use, there are files here that still define the representations of data.


Adapters are used whenever we need to massage data from one schema to another. For instance, if we're upgrading to a new upstream endpoint and the data from the new endpoint changed names and/or is in a different format, we use adapters so that the new data is backwards compatible.


Used for validating params in controllers



Authorization policies used to verify access to routes and resources



Definitions of how different models should be serialized. These all conform to the JSON API standard.



Objects used for communicating with upstream service objects. These can be a mixture of services we've written directly, or proxy objects we've written that communicate with other teams' objects. Usually objects here inherit from Common::Client::Base or are related to configuration for such objects.



View information about vackground workers



Not traditional rails helpers because this is a pure api without views. These are just POROs. Some do make requests to upstream services and, as such, are indistinguishable from our proxies


The various paths for testing are as follows

# Specs

# VCR Cassettes






Traditionally, lib contains code that is not specific to the rails app. our contains:

  • Validation errors classes
  • Engines
  • Scripts



Standard rails config, such as routes



Data migrations, though we seldom used because we rarely have db backed models