The Digital Delivery Guide refers to the following resources. They're collected here for easy reference.
Checkpoint meeting
- Learn what the Checkpoint meeting is, how to schedule it, how to prepare, and what to expect.
Conversation guide
- Create a conversation guide so you can focus your research sessions on getting answers to the questions you identified for your research sprint.
Problem statement
- Describe the problem you're trying to solve and your current hypothesis.
Product outline
- Use a product outline to describe your problem statement and hypotheses and keep track of how your service evolves after the Research and Discovery phase.
Prototyping activities
- Plan, prepare, and conduct prototyping activities.
Prototyping tips
- Prototyping is not about producing code you might use in your MVP. Instead creating a prototype is about creating just enough to test specific hypotheses.
Research questions
- Run a team workshop at the beginning of each development phase to prioritize your team's research questions and the assumptions you need to test.
Research sprints
- Plan your research sprints to answer your most immediate questions.
Team structure
- Understand the team skillsets you'll need throughout the Digital Delivery lifecycle.
Technical discovery
- Complete a technical review during the Research and Discovery phase and do ongoing technical discovery throughout the Digital Delivery lifecycle.
User research activities
- Plan, prepare, and conduct user research activities.