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VA App and Redux Toolkit

Why Redux Toolkit

The reasons the VA mobile team decided to move to Redux toolkit from the regular Redux implementation are:

  • Redux Toolkit is the new modern way of writing Redux and is the new standard which most Redux's guides and documentation are moving to or suggesting to use.
  • The standard Redux has too much boiler plate and to add a new state you have to modify or add files in many different locations. With Redux Toolkit everything is in one file.
  • With Redux Toolkit we have devtools for debugging and the thunk middleware out of the box without extra configurations.

VA App Redux Architectures

This section will show the difference from using the standard Redux and Redux Toolkit in our VA App. We will be using the disability rating as an example.

With Standard Redux (older implementation)

Folder Structure: With the standard Redux you would need three folders actions, reducers, and types. To add a new state you would have to add a file in each of those different sections.

Standard Redux Folders

Actions Folder: Here is where the actions file would go. The action file would define the sync and async actions for a feature. Also the created file would need to be added to the actions index file.

Standard Redux Action Folder

import * as api from 'store/api'
import { AsyncReduxAction, ReduxAction } from 'store/types'
import { RatingData, ScreenIDTypes } from '../api'
import { dispatchClearErrors, dispatchSetError, dispatchSetTryAgainFunction } from './errors'
import { getCommonErrorFromAPIError } from 'utils/errors'
import { isErrorObject } from 'utils/common'

* Redux action to start disability ratings fetch
* @returns ReduxAction
const dispatchStartGetRating = (): ReduxAction => {
return {
payload: {},

* Redux action to set disability ratings data or error after fetch
* @returns ReduxAction
const dispatchFinishGetRating = (ratingData?: RatingData, error?: Error): ReduxAction => {
return {
payload: {

* Redux action to reset disability ratings on logout
* @returns ReduxAction
export const dispatchDisabilityRatingLogout = (): ReduxAction => {
return {
payload: {},

* Redux action to get the users disability ratings
* @returns AsyncReduxAction
export const getDisabilityRating = (screenID?: ScreenIDTypes): AsyncReduxAction => {
return async (dispatch, _getState): Promise<void> => {
dispatch(dispatchSetTryAgainFunction(() => dispatch(getDisabilityRating(screenID))))

try {
const ratingData = await api.get<api.DisabilityRatingData>('/v0/disability-rating')

} catch (err) {
if (isErrorObject(err)) {
dispatch(dispatchFinishGetRating(undefined, err))
dispatch(dispatchSetError(getCommonErrorFromAPIError(err), screenID))
export * from './auth'
export * from './directDeposit'
export * from './disabilityRating'

Reducers Folder: Here is where the reducer file would go. The reducer file would define the initial state and reducer functions for a feature. Also the created file would need to be added to the reducers index file.

Standard Redux Reducers Folder

import { RatingData } from 'store/api'
import createReducer from './createReducer'

export type DisabilityRatingState = {
ratingData?: RatingData
error?: Error
loading: boolean
needsDataLoad: boolean
preloadComplete: boolean

export const initialDisabilityRatingState: DisabilityRatingState = {
loading: false,
needsDataLoad: true,
preloadComplete: false,

export default createReducer<DisabilityRatingState>(initialDisabilityRatingState, {
return {
loading: true,
DISABILITY_RATING_FINISH_GET_RATING: (state, { ratingData, error }) => {
return {
needsDataLoad: error ? true : false,
preloadComplete: true,
loading: false,
DISABILITY_RATING_ON_LOGOUT: (_state, _payload) => {
return {
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import { ReduxAction } from 'store/types'
import auth, { AuthState, initialAuthState } from './auth'
import directDeposit, { DirectDepositState, initialDirectDepositState } from './directDeposit'
import disabilityRating, { DisabilityRatingState, initialDisabilityRatingState } from './disabilityRating'

export * from './auth'
export * from './directDeposit'
export * from './disabilityRating'

export interface StoreState {
auth: AuthState
directDeposit: DirectDepositState
disabilityRating: DisabilityRatingState

export const InitialState: StoreState = {
auth: initialAuthState,
directDeposit: initialDirectDepositState,
disabilityRating: initialDisabilityRatingState,

const allReducers = combineReducers<StoreState, ReduxAction>({

export default allReducers

Types Folder: Here is where the type file would go. The type file would define the action's payload type and action creators definitions. Also the created file would need to be added to the types index file.

Standard Redux Types Folder

import { ActionDef, EmptyPayload } from './index'
import { RatingData } from 'store/api'

export type DisabilityRatingStartGetRatingPayload = Record<string, unknown>

export type DisabilityRatingPayload = {
ratingData?: RatingData
error?: Error

* All disability rating actions
export interface DisabilityRatingActions {
/** Redux action to signify the initial start of getting the disablity rating*/
/** Redux action to signify that the disability rating is being retrieved */
/** Redux action to clear disability rating data on logout **/
import { ThunkAction } from 'redux-thunk'

import { AuthActions } from './auth'
import { DirectDepositActions } from './directDeposit'
import { DisabilityRatingActions } from './disabilityRating'

export * from './auth'
export * from './directDeposit'
export * from './disabilityRating'

type ActObjs<T extends keyof AllActionDefs> = AllActionDefs[T]
type ActObjsPayload<T extends keyof AllActionDefs> = AllActionDefs[T]['payload']

export interface ActionDef<T extends string, P extends ActObjsPayload<AllActionTypes>> {
type: T
payload: P

export type EmptyPayload = unknown

export type StoreStateFn = () => StoreState

export type AllActionDefs = AuthActions &
DirectDepositActions &

type AllActionTypes = keyof AllActionDefs

export type ReduxAction = ActObjs<AllActionTypes>

export type AsyncReduxAction = ThunkAction<Promise<void>, StoreState, undefined, ReduxAction>

Store File: Here is where the store would be configured.

import { ReduxAction } from './types'
import { Store, applyMiddleware, createStore } from 'redux'
import logger from 'redux-logger'
import rootReducer, { StoreState } from './reducers'
import thunk from 'redux-thunk'

export * from './reducers'
export * from './actions'
export * from './types'

const configureStore = (state?: StoreState): Store<StoreState, ReduxAction> => {
const middleware = applyMiddleware(thunk, logger)

return createStore(rootReducer, state, middleware) as Store<StoreState, ReduxAction>

export default configureStore

With Redux Toolkit (current implementation)

Folder Structure: With Redux Toolkit you would need one folder slices. To add a new state you would have to add one file to the slices folder.

Redux Toolkit Folders

Slices Folder: Here is where you will define your slice file. This file is where everything will be added. With redux toolkit actions creators, types and reducers are created for you in the slice. Also the creted file needs to be added to the slices index file.

Redux Toolkit Slices Folder

import { PayloadAction, createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'

import * as api from 'store/api'
import { AppThunk } from 'store'
import { RatingData, ScreenIDTypes } from 'store/api'
import { dispatchClearErrors, dispatchSetError, dispatchSetTryAgainFunction } from './errorSlice'
import { getCommonErrorFromAPIError } from 'utils/errors'
import { isErrorObject } from 'utils/common'

export type DisabilityRatingState = {
ratingData?: RatingData
error?: Error
loading: boolean
needsDataLoad: boolean
preloadComplete: boolean

export const initialDisabilityRatingState: DisabilityRatingState = {
loading: false,
needsDataLoad: true,
preloadComplete: false,

* Redux action to get the users disability ratings
export const getDisabilityRating =
(screenID?: ScreenIDTypes): AppThunk =>
async (dispatch) => {
dispatch(dispatchSetTryAgainFunction(() => dispatch(getDisabilityRating(screenID))))

try {
const ratingData = await api.get<api.DisabilityRatingData>('/v0/disability-rating')

dispatch(dispatchFinishGetRating({ ratingData: ratingData?.data.attributes }))
} catch (error) {
if (isErrorObject(error)) {
dispatch(dispatchFinishGetRating({ error }))
dispatch(dispatchSetError({ errorType: getCommonErrorFromAPIError(error), screenID }))

* Redux slice that will create the actions and reducers
const disabilitRatingSlice = createSlice({
name: 'disabilityRating',
initialState: initialDisabilityRatingState,
reducers: {
dispatchStartGetRating: (state) => {
state.loading = true

dispatchFinishGetRating: (state, action: PayloadAction<{ ratingData?: RatingData; error?: Error }>) => {
const { ratingData, error } = action.payload
state.ratingData = ratingData
state.error = error
state.needsDataLoad = error ? true : false
state.preloadComplete = true
state.loading = false

dispatchDisabilityRatingLogout: () => {
return { ...initialDisabilityRatingState }

export const { dispatchDisabilityRatingLogout, dispatchFinishGetRating, dispatchStartGetRating } = disabilitRatingSlice.actions
export default disabilitRatingSlice.reducer
import { RootState } from 'store'
import { initialAuthState } from 'store/slices/authSlice'
import { initialDirectDepositState } from 'store/slices/directDepositSlice'
import { initialDisabilityRatingState } from 'store/slices/disabilityRatingSlice'

export * from './authSlice'
export * from './directDepositSlice'
export * from './disabilityRatingSlice'

export const InitialState: RootState = {
auth: initialAuthState,
directDeposit: initialDirectDepositState,
disabilityRating: initialDisabilityRatingState,

Store File: Here is where the store would be configured.

import { AnyAction, ThunkAction, configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
import authReducer from 'store/slices/authSlice'
import directDepositReducer from 'store/slices/directDepositSlice'
import disabilityRatingReducer from 'store/slices/disabilityRatingSlice'

// Creates the store
const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
auth: authReducer,
directDeposit: directDepositReducer,
disabilityRating: disabilityRatingReducer,
middleware: (getDefaultMiddleWare) => getDefaultMiddleWare({ serializableCheck: false }).concat(logger),
devTools: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',

//creates the typed dispatch to work with the thunk actions
export type AppDispatch = typeof store.dispatch

// creates the types root state
export type RootState = ReturnType<typeof store.getState>

// creates the types thunk action creator
export type AppThunk<ReturnType = Promise<void>> = ThunkAction<ReturnType, RootState, unknown, AnyAction>