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Add a New Feature State


This tutorial will consists of adding a new Redux state for the military service feature. This will be the same steps for adding any new Redux state to the VA mobile app.

Creating the Slice File

  1. Right click the slice folder (src/store/slice) and select new file.

    Create Slice File

  2. Enter the name of the file [your file name]Slice.ts. Example: (militaryServiceSlice.ts)

    Create Slice File

  3. Add the Redux toolkit import to the created slice file.

    import { PayloadAction, createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
  4. Add the Redux initial state.

    import { PayloadAction, createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'

    export type MilitaryServiceState = {
    serviceHistory: api.ServiceHistoryData
    loading: boolean
    error?: Error
    mostRecentBranch?: string
    needsDataLoad: boolean
    preloadComplete: boolean

    export const initialMilitaryServiceState: MilitaryServiceState = {
    serviceHistory: [] as api.ServiceHistoryData,
    loading: false,
    needsDataLoad: true,
    preloadComplete: false,
  5. Create the Redux slice and add the initial state created in the previouse step to the create slice function.

    import { PayloadAction, createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'

    export type MilitaryServiceState = {
    serviceHistory: api.ServiceHistoryData
    loading: boolean
    error?: Error
    mostRecentBranch?: string
    needsDataLoad: boolean
    preloadComplete: boolean

    export const initialMilitaryServiceState: MilitaryServiceState = {
    serviceHistory: [] as api.ServiceHistoryData,
    loading: false,
    needsDataLoad: true,
    preloadComplete: false,

    const militaryServiceSlice = createSlice({
    name: 'militaryService',
    initialState: initialMilitaryServiceState,
    reducers: {

  6. Add the reducers that will be updating the state. The name that you give to the reducer will be the same name the action creator and type is going to use typescript will infere that name.

    import { PayloadAction, createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'

    export type MilitaryServiceState = {
    serviceHistory: api.ServiceHistoryData
    loading: boolean
    error?: Error
    mostRecentBranch?: string
    needsDataLoad: boolean
    preloadComplete: boolean

    export const initialMilitaryServiceState: MilitaryServiceState = {
    serviceHistory: [] as api.ServiceHistoryData,
    loading: false,
    needsDataLoad: true,
    preloadComplete: false,

    const militaryServiceSlice = createSlice({
    name: 'militaryService',
    initialState: initialMilitaryServiceState,
    reducers: {
    dispatchStartGetHistory: (state) => {
    state.loading = true

    dispatchFinishGetHistory: (state, action: PayloadAction<{ serviceHistory?: api.ServiceHistoryData; error?: Error }>) => {
    const { serviceHistory, error } = action.payload
    const history = serviceHistory || state.serviceHistory

    const latestHistory = max(history, (historyItem) => {
    return getDateFromString(historyItem.endDate)
    }) as ServiceData

    return {
    mostRecentBranch: latestHistory?.branchOfService,
    serviceHistory: history,
    loading: false,
    needsDataLoad: !!error,
    preloadComplete: true,

    The PayloadAction param only takes one value if you need to pass more than one param use an object as above. Also the reducer functions created inside the slice uses the Immer package. Which allows you to write mutated code as the dispatchStartGetHistory reducer function above. You can also return an immutable object as the dispatchFinishGetHistory function above. Here is more information on what you can do with immer inside the reducer functions Redux Immer Page

  7. Export the reducer and actions to be used in other files or async Redux function.

    import { PayloadAction, createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'

    export type MilitaryServiceState = {
    serviceHistory: api.ServiceHistoryData
    loading: boolean
    error?: Error
    mostRecentBranch?: string
    needsDataLoad: boolean
    preloadComplete: boolean

    export const initialMilitaryServiceState: MilitaryServiceState = {
    serviceHistory: [] as api.ServiceHistoryData,
    loading: false,
    needsDataLoad: true,
    preloadComplete: false,

    const militaryServiceSlice = createSlice({
    name: 'militaryService',
    initialState: initialMilitaryServiceState,
    reducers: {
    dispatchStartGetHistory: (state) => {
    state.loading = true

    dispatchFinishGetHistory: (state, action: PayloadAction<{ serviceHistory?: api.ServiceHistoryData; error?: Error }>) => {
    const { serviceHistory, error } = action.payload
    const history = serviceHistory || state.serviceHistory

    const latestHistory = max(history, (historyItem) => {
    return getDateFromString(historyItem.endDate)
    }) as ServiceData

    return {
    mostRecentBranch: latestHistory?.branchOfService,
    serviceHistory: history,
    loading: false,
    needsDataLoad: !!error,
    preloadComplete: true,

    export const { dispatchFinishGetHistory, dispatchMilitaryHistoryLogout, dispatchStartGetHistory } = militaryServiceSlice.actions
    export default militaryServiceSlice.reducer
  8. Add the async function that will fetch the data from the server and call the actions. Here we are adding the getServiceHistory async thunk function.

    import { PayloadAction, createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'

    export type MilitaryServiceState = {
    serviceHistory: api.ServiceHistoryData
    loading: boolean
    error?: Error
    mostRecentBranch?: string
    needsDataLoad: boolean
    preloadComplete: boolean

    export const initialMilitaryServiceState: MilitaryServiceState = {
    serviceHistory: [] as api.ServiceHistoryData,
    loading: false,
    needsDataLoad: true,
    preloadComplete: false,

    * Redux action to get service history for user
    export const getServiceHistory =
    (screenID?: ScreenIDTypes): AppThunk =>
    async (dispatch) => {
    dispatch(dispatchSetTryAgainFunction(() => dispatch(getServiceHistory(screenID))))

    try {
    const mshData = await api.get<api.MilitaryServiceHistoryData>('/v0/military-service-history')

    dispatch(dispatchFinishGetHistory({ serviceHistory: mshData?.data.attributes.serviceHistory }))
    } catch (error) {
    if (isErrorObject(error)) {
    dispatch(dispatchFinishGetHistory({ error }))
    dispatch(dispatchSetError({ errorType: getCommonErrorFromAPIError(error), screenID }))

    const militaryServiceSlice = createSlice({
    name: 'militaryService',
    initialState: initialMilitaryServiceState,
    reducers: {
    dispatchStartGetHistory: (state) => {
    state.loading = true

    dispatchFinishGetHistory: (state, action: PayloadAction<{ serviceHistory?: api.ServiceHistoryData; error?: Error }>) => {
    const { serviceHistory, error } = action.payload
    const history = serviceHistory || state.serviceHistory

    const latestHistory = max(history, (historyItem) => {
    return getDateFromString(historyItem.endDate)
    }) as ServiceData

    return {
    mostRecentBranch: latestHistory?.branchOfService,
    serviceHistory: history,
    loading: false,
    needsDataLoad: !!error,
    preloadComplete: true,

    export const { dispatchFinishGetHistory, dispatchMilitaryHistoryLogout, dispatchStartGetHistory } = militaryServiceSlice.actions
    export default militaryServiceSlice.reducer

    The getServiceHistory is a thunk async function which will give you two params (dispatch, getState). The dispatch is what will be use to call the actions. The getState is if you need to pull any value from the current Redux store state.

Adding the Exported Reducer to the Store

  1. Open the store file (src/store/index.ts) and import the exported reducer from the created slice above. And add it to the reducer object in the configureStore function.

    import { AnyAction, ThunkAction, configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
    import accessabilityReducer from 'store/slices/accessibilitySlice'
    import militaryServiceReducer from 'store/slices/militaryServiceSlice'

    // Creates the store
    const store = configureStore({
    reducer: {
    accessibility: accessabilityReducer,
    militaryService: militaryServiceReducer,
    middleware: (getDefaultMiddleWare) => getDefaultMiddleWare({ serializableCheck: false }).concat(logger),
    devTools: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',

    //creates the typed dispatch to work with the thunk actions
    export type AppDispatch = typeof store.dispatch

    // creates the types root state
    export type RootState = ReturnType<typeof store.getState>

    // creates the types thunk action creator
    export type AppThunk<ReturnType = Promise<void>> = ThunkAction<ReturnType, RootState, unknown, AnyAction>

    export default store

Adding to the Slices Folder Index.ts File.

  1. Open the slices folder index.ts file (src/store/slices/index.ts). Here you are going to add the initialState export and a export everything for the slice created above.

    import { RootState } from 'store'

    import { initialAccessibilityState } from 'store/slices/accessibilitySlice'
    import { initialMilitaryServiceState } from 'store/slices/militaryServiceSlice'

    export * from './accessibilitySlice'
    export * from './militaryServiceSlice'

    export const InitialState: RootState = {
    militaryService: initialMilitaryServiceState,
    accessibility: initialAccessibilityState,

Using the Slice In a Component

This section will show you how to retrieve the state and dispatch any thunk function in a component.

import { MilitaryServiceState, getServiceHistory } from 'store/slices/militaryServiceSlice'
import { RootState } from 'store'
import { useAppDispatch } from 'utils/hooks'
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'

const MilitaryInformationScreen: FC = () => {
const dispatch = useAppDispatch()
const { serviceHistory, loading, needsDataLoad } = useSelector<RootState, MilitaryServiceState>((s) => s.militaryService)

useEffect(() => {
if (needsDataLoad && militaryInfoAuthorization && mhNotInDowntime) {
}, [dispatch, needsDataLoad, militaryInfoAuthorization, mhNotInDowntime])

const historyItems: Array<DefaultListItemObj> = map(serviceHistory, (service: ServiceData) => {
const branch = t('militaryInformation.branch', { branch: service.branchOfService })

const textLines: Array<TextLine> = [
text: branch,
variant: 'MobileBodyBold',
color: 'primaryTitle',
text: t('militaryInformation.history', { begin: service.formattedBeginDate, end: service.formattedEndDate }),
return {
testId: `${branch} ${t('militaryInformation.historyA11yLabel', {
begin: service.formattedBeginDate,
end: service.formattedEndDate,

return (
<VAScrollView {...testIdProps('Military-Information-page')}>
<Box mb={theme.dimensions.standardMarginBetween}>
<DefaultList items={historyItems} title={t('militaryInformation.periodOfService')} />
<TextView {...linkProps}>{t('militaryInformation.incorrectServiceInfo')}</TextView>

export default MilitaryInformationScreen

To dispatch an action in a component use the useAppDispatch hook from the src/utils/hook.tsx file. To get the current state value for the slice use useSelector function from Redux as shown above.