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Design librarian

A design librarian is a designer who maintains and improves how we work in Figma and serves as a resource within the mobile team, VA, and Ad Hoc.



  • Ensures feature files are consistent.
    • Librarian is responsible for creating new files to ensure that files are set up consistently.
    • Librarian will review files before front-end handoff.
    • Librarian will ensure shipped files are up-to-date.
  • Maintains and updates app store images.


  • Reviews Figma files for any inconsistencies or areas of improvement.
  • Improves how the team works in Figma.


  • Collaborates with the mobile team and answers any Figma-related questions.
  • Collaborate with the design system librarian.

For assistance with the design library files in Figma, reach out to the Design System team.