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Where we work



Whiteboarding software used to brainstorm, do group work, and synthesize research.


Whiteboarding software that comes with Figma. We use this to do group work, map out user flows, and brainstorm ideas. Might eventually replace Mural.


Pen and paper

Feel free to go old school when drafting up ideas. Photos of low fidelity drawings can be inserted in Mural, FigJam, Figma, Google docs, Zenhub tickets, etc.


Where designers are encouraged to work on wireframes and low-fidelity designs. We have two workspaces:


Both Balsamiq and Figma can be used to develop prototypes, although we typically develop them in Figma.


We use Figma for design work. This is where we maintain our UI libraries and work on high-fidelity designs, prototypes, and content. Each project within the VA Mobile team has a specific purpose.

Flagship team

Design Resources 🧰

  • Includes Flagship libraries, UI kits, and templates for working/shipped files
    • The Flagship Library is used for flagship-specific components that have not been built into the design system yet.
  • Who uses this: UX teams

Global 🌎

  • Includes research, working files, shipped files, prototypes, and product management files
  • Who uses this: Global team

Health & Benefits 🏥

  • Includes research, working files, shipped files, prototypes, and product management files
  • Who uses this: Health and benefits team

Platform team


  • Includes App Store Images and device UI kits
  • Who uses this: API & QART teams

Design System 📐

  • Includes Design System libraries, working files, and product management files
  • Who uses this: Design system team


🏖 Sandbox

  • This is your own area where you can explore and iterate. Each team member has their own sandbox file. If you are working on something together, consider working or moving Sandbox work to a working file.
  • Who uses this: UX. You might decide to share files with product and engineering for collaboration and early feasibility discussions, but how you use your Sandbox is up to you.

🪦 Graveyard

  • A place to put features we aren’t going forward with.
  • Who uses this: UX

🪦 Version 1.0

  • A place to put files from version 1.0 of the app.
  • Who uses this: UX

File names in Figma

We use consistent file naming conventions across projects in Figma.

  • [File Name] - 🔍 Working - VA Mobile
    • Where designers are creating features and handing off to ENG & QA
    • Also includes explorations for existing features that we aren’t moving forward with, but want to keep a record of.
    • If you are building new components, you can create them here. If adopted, they will eventually move to the Design library.
    • Who uses this: UX, PM, QA, ENG
  • [File Name] - 🚢 Shipped - VA Mobile
    • Example screens from the app that are live in the app, comparable to Demo Mode.
    • Good for using as a reference, but not the source of truth (the app is the source of truth).
    • Who uses this: UX, PM, QA, outside stakeholders/colleagues
  • [File Name] - 🧪 Discovery/Research/Prototype - VA Mobile
    • Discovery, research, and prototype files
    • Files should be read-only, so that we maintain quality for the usability study.
    • Who uses this: UX teams
  • [File Name] - 💡 Strategy/Product - VA Mobile
    • Files related to planning and strategy
    • Who uses this: Product teams, UX teams