Caseflow Dispatch

Caseflow Dispatch #

Caseflow Dispatch exists to create EndProducts in VBMS from completed cases in VACOLS. Users of Dispatch, VBA Office of Administrative Review (OAR) employees, are presented with VACOLS cases that have received a decision and need to be routed to the correct VBA entity to update a Veteran’s benefits.

LegacyAppeals #

The LegacyAppeals table is utilized by numerous Caseflow products. A description can be found above in the Certification section.

DispatchTasks #

Caseflow tasks designate what action needs to be taken on an appeal and who is responsible for taking said action. There are a wide variety of tasks across Caseflow products, but the Dispatch::Tasks table currently only stores EstablishClaim task records which are used to create the EndProduct in VBMS. You can read more about tasks here.

  • aasm_state
  • user_id gets assigned upon clicking “Establish Next Claim” in Dispatch

Users #

Caseflow users are distinguished by their role, with different roles having different permissions and thus different capabilities made available to them.

  • roles: All of the user’s roles
  • css_id: A unique identifier for VA employees or contractors

Relationships #

In the diagram below, you will see that the dispatch_tasks tables stores the id of the user assigned to the task as well as the id of the legacy_appeal. The legacy_appeals tables does not store any dispatch_task ids because each appeal can have many dispatch_tasks.