ETL Schema CSV

ETL Schema CSV #

  • appeals
  • attorney_case_reviews
  • etl_builds
  • etl_build_tables
  • decision_documents
  • decision_issues
  • decision_reviews
  • hearings
  • judge_case_reviews
  • organizations
  • organizations_users
  • people
  • remand_reasons
  • tasks
  • users
  • 'appeals' table

    Denormalized BVA NODs
    active_appeal boolean ∗ x x Calculated based on BVA status
    aod_due_to_dob boolean x Calculated every day based on Claimant DOB
    aod_granted boolean ∗ x x advance_on_docket_motions.granted
    aod_reason string (50) advance_on_docket_motions.reason
    aod_user_id integer (8) x advance_on_docket_motions.user_id
    appeal_created_at datetime ∗ x x appeals.created_at
    appeal_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x ID of the Appeal
    appeal_updated_at datetime ∗ x x appeals.updated_at
    claimant_dob date x people.date_of_birth
    claimant_first_name string people.first_name
    claimant_id integer (8) x
    claimant_last_name string people.last_name
    claimant_middle_name string people.middle_name
    claimant_name_suffix string people.name_suffix
    claimant_participant_id string (50) x claimants.participant_id
    claimant_payee_code string (20) claimants.payee_code
    claimant_person_id integer (8) x
    closest_regional_office string (20) The code for the regional office closest to the Veteran on the appeal.
    created_at datetime ∗ x x Creation timestamp for the ETL record
    decision_status_sort_key integer ∗ x x Integer for sorting status in display order
    docket_number string (50) ∗ x Docket number
    docket_range_date date Date that appeal was added to hearing docket range.
    docket_type string (50) x Docket type
    established_at datetime ∗ x Timestamp for when the appeal was intaken successfully
    id integer (8) PK x
    legacy_opt_in_approved boolean Indicates whether a Veteran opted to withdraw matching issues from the legacy process. If there is a matching legacy issue and it is not withdrawn then it is ineligible for the decision review.
    poa_participant_id string (20) x Used to identify the power of attorney (POA)
    receipt_date date x Receipt date of the NOD form
    status string (32) ∗ x x Calculated BVA status based on Tasks
    target_decision_date date If the appeal docket is direct review, this sets the target decision date for the appeal, which is one year after the receipt date.
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Updated timestamp for the ETL record
    uuid uuid ∗ x x The universally unique identifier for the appeal
    veteran_dob date people.date_of_birth
    veteran_file_number string (20) ∗ x x Veteran file number
    veteran_first_name string veterans.first_name
    veteran_id integer (8) ∗ x x
    veteran_is_not_claimant boolean x Selected by the user during intake, indicates whether the Veteran is the claimant, or if the claimant is someone else such as a dependent. Must be TRUE if Veteran is deceased.
    veteran_last_name string veterans.last_name
    veteran_middle_name string veterans.middle_name
    veteran_name_suffix string veterans.name_suffix
    veteran_participant_id string (20) x veterans.participant_id

    'attorney_case_reviews' table

    Denormalized attorney_case_reviews
    appeal_id integer (8) ∗ x x tasks.appeal_id
    appeal_type string ∗ x x tasks.appeal_type
    attorney_css_id string (50) ∗ x users.css_id
    attorney_full_name string (255) ∗ x users.full_name
    attorney_id integer (8) ∗ x x attorney_case_reviews.attorney_id
    attorney_sattyid string (20) users.sattyid
    created_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at for the ETL record
    document_reference_id string (50) attorney_case_reviews.document_id
    document_type string (20) x attorney_case_reviews.document_type
    id integer (8) PK x
    note text attorney_case_reviews.note
    overtime boolean attorney_case_reviews.overtime
    review_created_at datetime ∗ x x attorney_case_reviews.created_at
    review_id integer (8) ∗ x x
    review_updated_at datetime ∗ x x attorney_case_reviews.updated_at
    reviewing_judge_css_id string (50) ∗ x users.css_id
    reviewing_judge_full_name string (255) ∗ x users.full_name
    reviewing_judge_id integer (8) ∗ x x attorney_case_reviews.reviewing_judge_id
    reviewing_judge_sattyid string (20) users.sattyid
    task_id string ∗ x x attorney_case_reviews.task_id
    untimely_evidence boolean attorney_case_reviews.untimely_evidence
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at for the ETL record
    vacols_id string x Substring attorney_case_reviews.task_id for Legacy Appeals
    work_product string (20) attorney_case_reviews.work_product

    'etl_builds' table

    ETL build metadata for each job
    comments string Ad hoc comments (e.g. error message)
    created_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at for the ETL record
    finished_at datetime x Build end time
    id integer (8) PK x
    started_at datetime x Build start time (usually identical to created_at)
    status string x Enum value: running, complete, error
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at for the ETL record

    'etl_build_tables' table

    ETL table metadata, one for each table per-build
    comments string Ad hoc comments (e.g. error message)
    created_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at for the ETL record
    etl_build_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x PK of the etl_build
    finished_at datetime x Build end time
    id integer (8) PK x
    rows_deleted integer (8) Number of rows deleted
    rows_inserted integer (8) Number of new rows
    rows_rejected integer (8) Number of rows skipped
    rows_updated integer (8) Number of rows changed
    started_at datetime x Build start time (usually identical to created_at)
    status string x Enum value: running, complete, error
    table_name string x Name of the ETL table
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at for the ETL record

    'decision_documents' table

    appeal_id integer (8) ∗ x x Associated appeal
    appeal_type string ∗ x x
    attempted_at datetime When the job ran
    attorney_case_review_id integer (8) ∗ x x References associated attorney_case_review record
    attorney_user_id integer (8) x Id of the attorney user on the associated judge_case_review
    canceled_at datetime Timestamp when the job was abandoned
    citation_number string ∗ x x Unique identifier for decision document
    created_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at for the ETL record
    decision_date date ∗ x x
    decision_document_created_at datetime x decision_documents.created_at
    decision_document_updated_at datetime x decision_documents.updated_at
    docket_number string from appeals.stream_docket_number
    error string Message captured from a failed attempt
    id integer (8) PK x
    judge_case_review_id integer (8) ∗ x x References associated judge_case_review record
    judge_user_id integer (8) x Id of the judge user on the associated judge_case_review
    last_submitted_at datetime When the job is eligible to run (can be reset to restart the job)
    processed_at datetime When the job has concluded
    redacted_document_location string ∗ x
    submitted_at datetime When the job first became eligible to run
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at for the ETL record
    uploaded_to_vbms_at datetime When document was successfully uploaded to VBMS

    'decision_issues' table

    Copy of decision_issues
    benefit_type string (20) x decision_issues.benefit_type
    caseflow_decision_date date decision_issues.caseflow_decision_date
    created_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at for the ETL record
    decision_review_id integer (8) x decision_issues.decision_review_id
    decision_review_type string (20) x decision_issues.decision_review_type
    decision_text string decision_issues.decision_text
    description string decision_issues.description
    diagnostic_code string (20) decision_issues.diagnostic_code
    disposition string (50) x decision_issues.disposition
    end_product_last_action_date date decision_issues.end_product_last_action_date
    id integer (8) PK x
    issue_created_at datetime x decision_issues.created_at
    issue_deleted_at datetime x decision_issues.deleted_at
    issue_updated_at datetime x decision_issues.updated_at
    participant_id integer (8) ∗ x x decision_issues.participant_id
    percent_number string percent_number from RatingIssue (prcntNo from Rating Profile)
    rating_issue_reference_id integer (8) x decision_issues.rating_issue_reference_id
    rating_profile_date datetime decision_issues.rating_profile_date
    rating_promulgation_date datetime decision_issues.rating_promulgation_date
    subject_text text subject_text from RatingIssue (subjctTxt from Rating Profile)
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at for the ETL record

    'decision_reviews' table

    Decision Reviews
    benefit_type string ∗ x The benefit type selected by the Veteran on their form, also known as a Line of Business.
    closest_regional_office string x The code for the regional office closest to the Veteran on the appeal.
    created_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at for the ETL record
    decision_review_created_at datetime x
    decision_review_id integer (8) ∗ x x ID of the Decision Review -- may be used as FK to decision_issues
    decision_review_remanded_id integer (8) x If an Appeal or Higher Level Review decision is remanded, including Duty to Assist errors, it automatically generates a new Supplemental Claim. If this Supplemental Claim was generated, then the ID of the original Decision Review with the remanded decision is stored here.
    decision_review_remanded_type string x The type of the Decision Review remanded if applicable, used with decision_review_remanded_id to as a composite key to identify the remanded Decision Review.
    decision_review_type string ∗ x x The type of the Decision Review -- may be used as FK to decision_issues
    decision_review_updated_at datetime x
    docket_range_date date x Date that appeal was added to hearing docket range.
    docket_type string x The docket type selected by the Veteran on their appeal form, which can be hearing, evidence submission, or direct review.
    established_at datetime x Timestamp for when the appeal has successfully been intaken into Caseflow by the user.
    establishment_processed_at datetime Timestamp for when the End Product Establishments for the Decision Review successfully finished processing.
    establishment_submitted_at datetime Timestamp for when the Higher Level Review was submitted by a Claims Assistant. This adds the End Product Establishment to a job to finish processing asynchronously.
    id integer (8) PK x
    informal_conference boolean x Indicates whether a Veteran selected on their Higher Level Review form to have an informal conference. This creates a claimant letter and a tracked item in BGS.
    legacy_opt_in_approved boolean x Indicates whether a Veteran opted to withdraw matching issues from the legacy process. If there is a matching legacy issue and it is not withdrawn then it is ineligible for the decision review.
    poa_participant_id string x Used to identify the power of attorney (POA) at the time the appeal was dispatched to BVA. Sometimes the POA changes in BGS after the fact, and BGS only returns the current representative.
    receipt_date date x The date that the Higher Level Review form was received by central mail. This is used to determine which issues are eligible to be appealed based on timeliness. Only issues decided prior to the receipt date will show up as contestable issues. It is also the claim date for any associated end products that are established.
    same_office boolean x Whether the Veteran wants their issues to be reviewed by the same office where they were previously reviewed. This creates a special issue on all of the contentions created on this Higher Level Review.
    stream_docket_number string x Multiple appeals with the same docket number indicate separate appeal streams, mimicking the structure of legacy appeals.
    stream_type string x When multiple appeals have the same docket number, they are differentiated by appeal stream type, depending on the work being done on each appeal.
    target_decision_date date x If the appeal docket is direct review, this sets the target decision date for the appeal, which is one year after the receipt date.
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at for the ETL record
    uuid uuid ∗ x x The universally unique identifier for the Decision Review
    veteran_file_number string ∗ x x The file number of the Veteran that the Decision Review is for.
    veteran_is_not_claimant boolean x Indicates whether the Veteran is the claimant on the Decision Review form, or if the claimant is someone else like a spouse or a child. Must be TRUE if the Veteran is deceased.

    'hearings' table

    Denormalized hearings
    appeal_id integer ∗ x x ID of the associated Appeal
    bva_poc string hearings.bva_poc
    created_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at for the ETL record
    created_by_id integer (8) The ID of the user who created the Hearing
    created_by_user_css_id string (50) users.css_id
    created_by_user_full_name string (255) users.full_name
    created_by_user_sattyid string (20) users.sattyid
    disposition string hearings.disposition
    evidence_window_waived boolean hearings.evidence_window_waived
    hearing_created_at datetime x hearings.created_at
    hearing_day_bva_poc string hearing_days.bva_poc
    hearing_day_created_at datetime x hearing_days.created_at
    hearing_day_created_by_id integer (8) The ID of the user who created the Hearing Day
    hearing_day_created_by_user_css_id string (50) users.css_id
    hearing_day_created_by_user_full_name string (255) users.full_name
    hearing_day_created_by_user_sattyid string (20) users.sattyid
    hearing_day_deleted_at datetime x hearing_days.deleted_at
    hearing_day_id integer x hearings.hearing_day_id
    hearing_day_judge_id integer hearing_days.judge_id
    hearing_day_lock boolean hearing_days.lock
    hearing_day_notes text hearing_days.notes
    hearing_day_regional_office string hearing_days.regional_office
    hearing_day_request_type string hearing_days.request_type
    hearing_day_room string The room at BVA where the hearing will take place
    hearing_day_scheduled_for date hearing_days.scheduled_for
    hearing_day_updated_at datetime x hearing_days.updated_at
    hearing_day_updated_by_id integer (8) The ID of the user who most recently updated the Hearing Day
    hearing_day_updated_by_user_css_id string (50) users.css_id
    hearing_day_updated_by_user_full_name string (255) users.full_name
    hearing_day_updated_by_user_sattyid string (20) users.sattyid
    hearing_id integer (8) ∗ x x ID of the Hearing
    hearing_location_address string hearing_locations.address
    hearing_location_city string
    hearing_location_classification string hearing_locations.classification
    hearing_location_created_at datetime x hearing_locations.created_at
    hearing_location_distance float hearing_locations.distance
    hearing_location_facility_id string hearing_locations.facility_id
    hearing_location_facility_type string hearing_locations.facility_type
    hearing_location_id integer (8) x
    hearing_location_name string
    hearing_location_state string hearing_locations.state
    hearing_location_updated_at datetime x hearing_locations.updated_at
    hearing_location_zip_code string hearing_locations.zip_code
    hearing_request_type string ∗ x x Calculated based on virtual_hearings and hearing_day.request_type
    hearing_updated_at datetime x hearings.updated_at
    id integer (8) PK x
    judge_css_id string users.css_id
    judge_full_name string users.full_name
    judge_id integer x hearings.judge_id
    judge_sattyid string users.sattyid
    military_service string hearings.military_service
    notes string hearings.notes
    prepped boolean hearings.prepped
    representative_name string hearings.representative_name
    room string
    scheduled_time time hearings.scheduled_time
    summary text hearings.summary
    transcript_requested boolean hearings.transcript_requested
    transcript_sent_date date hearings.transcript_sent_date
    type string x Hearing (AMA) or LegacyHearing
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at for the ETL record
    updated_by_id integer (8) The ID of the user who most recently updated the Hearing
    updated_by_user_css_id string (50) users.css_id
    updated_by_user_full_name string (255) users.full_name
    updated_by_user_sattyid string (20) users.sattyid
    uuid uuid x Unique identifier for the Hearing
    vacols_id string x When type=LegacyHearing, this column points at the VACOLS case id
    witness string hearings.witness

    'judge_case_reviews' table

    actual_task_id string FK x Substring from judge_case_reviews.task_id referring to the tasks table for AMA Appeals
    appeal_id integer (8) ∗ x x tasks.appeal_id
    appeal_type string ∗ x x tasks.appeal_type
    areas_for_improvement text
    attorney_css_id string (20) ∗ x users.css_id
    attorney_full_name string (255) ∗ x users.full_name
    attorney_id integer (8) ∗ x x judge_case_reviews.attorney_id; references users table
    attorney_sattyid string (20) users.sattyid
    comment text from judge
    complexity string
    created_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at for the ETL record
    factors_not_considered text
    id integer (8) PK x
    judge_css_id string (20) ∗ x users.css_id
    judge_full_name string (255) ∗ x users.full_name
    judge_id integer x judge_case_reviews.judge_id; references users table
    judge_sattyid string (20) users.sattyid
    location string
    one_touch_initiative boolean
    original_task_id string x judge_case_reviews.task_id; Refers to the tasks table for AMA appeals, but uses syntax `<vacols_id>-YYYY-MM-DD` for legacy appeals
    positive_feedback text
    quality string
    review_created_at datetime ∗ x x judge_case_reviews.created_at
    review_id integer (8) ∗ x x
    review_updated_at datetime ∗ x x judge_case_reviews.updated_at
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at for the ETL record
    vacols_id string x Substring from judge_case_reviews.task_id for Legacy Appeals

    'organizations' table

    Copy of Organizations table
    accepts_priority_pushed_cases boolean x Whether a JudgeTeam currently accepts distribution of automatically pushed priority cases
    ama_only_push boolean whether a JudgeTeam should only get AMA appeals during the PushPriorityAppealsToJudgesJob
    ama_only_request boolean whether a JudgeTeam should only get AMA appeals when requesting more cases
    created_at datetime x
    id integer (8) PK x
    name string
    participant_id string Organizations BGS partipant id
    role string Role users in organization must have, if present
    status string x Whether organization is active, inactive, or in some other Status.
    status_updated_at datetime Track when organization status last changed.
    type string Single table inheritance
    updated_at datetime x
    url string x Unique portion of the organization queue url

    'organizations_users' table

    Copy of OrganizationUsers table
    admin boolean
    created_at datetime x
    id integer (8) PK x
    organization_id integer x
    updated_at datetime x
    user_id integer x

    'people' table

    Copy of People table
    created_at datetime ∗ x x
    date_of_birth date
    email_address string Person email address, cached from BGS
    first_name string (50) Person first name, cached from BGS
    id integer (8) PK x
    last_name string (50) Person last name, cached from BGS
    middle_name string (50) Person middle name, cached from BGS
    name_suffix string (20) Person name suffix, cached from BGS
    participant_id string (50) ∗ x x
    ssn string x Person Social Security Number, cached from BGS
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x

    'remand_reasons' table

    Copy of remand_reasons
    code string (30) x remand_reasons.code
    created_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at for the ETL record
    decision_issue_id integer x remand_reasons.decision_issue_id
    id integer (8) PK x
    post_aoj boolean x remand_reasons.post_aoj
    remand_reason_created_at datetime x remand_reasons.created_at
    remand_reason_updated_at datetime x remand_reasons.updated_at
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at for the ETL record

    'tasks' table

    Denormalized Tasks with User/Organization
    appeal_id integer (8) ∗ FK x x tasks.appeal_id
    appeal_type string ∗ x x tasks.appeal_type
    assigned_at datetime tasks.assigned_at
    assigned_by_id integer (8) tasks.assigned_by_id
    assigned_by_user_css_id string (50) users.css_id
    assigned_by_user_full_name string (255) users.full_name
    assigned_by_user_sattyid string (20) users.sattyid
    assigned_to_id integer (8) ∗ x x tasks.assigned_to_id
    assigned_to_org_name string (255)
    assigned_to_org_type string (50) organizations.type
    assigned_to_type string ∗ x x tasks.assigned_to_type
    assigned_to_user_css_id string (50) users.css_id
    assigned_to_user_full_name string (255) users.full_name
    assigned_to_user_sattyid string (20) users.sattyid
    closed_at datetime tasks.closed_at
    created_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at for the ETL record
    id integer (8) PK x
    instructions text tasks.instructions
    parent_id integer (8) FK x tasks.parent_id
    placed_on_hold_at datetime tasks.placed_on_hold_at
    started_at datetime tasks.started_at
    task_created_at datetime tasks.created_at
    task_id integer (8) ∗ x x
    task_status string (20) ∗ x x tasks.status
    task_type string (50) ∗ x x tasks.type
    task_updated_at datetime tasks.updated_at
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at for the ETL record

    'users' table

    Combined Caseflow/VACOLS user lookups
    created_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at for the ETL record
    css_id string (50) ∗ x CSEM (Active Directory) username
    email string (255) CSEM email
    full_name string (255) CSEM full name
    id integer (8) PK x
    last_login_at datetime
    roles string
    sactive string (1)
    sattyid string (20)
    selected_regional_office string (255) CSEM regional office
    slogid string (20)
    smemgrp string (8) VACOLS cached_user_attributes.smemgrp
    stafkey string (20)
    station_id string (20) ∗ x CSEM station
    status string (20) x Whether or not the user is an active user of caseflow
    status_updated_at datetime When the user's status was last updated
    stitle string (16) VACOLS cached_user_attributes.stitle
    svlj string (1)
    updated_at datetime ∗ x x Default created_at/updated_at for the ETL record
    user_id integer ∗ x x ID of the User