Caseflow Queue

Caseflow Queue #

Appeals #

Queue is the portion of Caseflow users utilize when an appeal has reached the Decision phase and is ready to be reviewed by judges and attorneys for processing. Queue services both AMA and Legacy appeals, the behavior of each varying slightly. One of the main differences is that AMAs are contained within Caseflow whereas much of the data for Legacy appeals is extracted from VACOLS.

Tasks #

User interaction with specific appeals is dependent on the type of task on the appeal that’s been assigned to them. For instance, a JudgeAssignTask is given to a judge so that they may assign an AttorneyTask to an attorney on their team to draft a decision.

A more thorough breakdown of Queue tasks can be found in the Decision phase portion of the task tree documentation

Organizations #

Users can be added to organizations so that we can control the types of permissions and task action options alotted to them. For instance, JudgeTeams are comprised of a judge along with their team of attorneys. This allows the judge to assign cases to these individuals in the same flow mentioned in the Task description.

Relationships #

In the following diagram, you can see that an id on an AMA or Legacy appeal will correspond with the appeal_id on a task created on that appeal.

An assigned_by_id or assigned_to_id will correspond with the id of the user who has either assigned or been assigned a task

Finally, organization_users is representative of a users relationship to a particular type of organization. Therefore the users table’s id will correspond with the user_id and the organizations table’s id will correspond with the organization_id.