Caseflow Reader

Caseflow Reader #

Documents #

Caseflow Reader allows users to access all of the documents related to the Veteran for an appeal. Users first interact with a document list page which presents a list of the documents. Upon selection of a particular document, they are redirected to the document view page where they can view and interact with the document. Documents are populated by eFolder, which retrieves them from two upstream dependencies: VBMS & VVA – see Reader Backend for details.

Annotations #

On the document view page, users have the ability to add comments to documents via the “Add a comment” button. A comment is stored in the annotations table. Once a comment is created, it can be edited, shared via a link or deleted. In addition, comments can be seen on the document list page under the “Comment” column for the related document and also by selecting the “Comments” button which shows all comments.

Tags #

Tags can be added by the user to further label and categorize documents based on issues that they identify. On the document view page, users may create a tag within the sidebar under the “Issue tags” dropdown section. Once a tag is created, it is saved (in the tags table) so that it is available for use on other documents. Tags can also be deleted by the user.

DocumentViews #

Caseflow keeps track of when a user has viewed a document so the user is aware of which ones they have already opened. To do this, documents in the document list are initially shown in bold text, however once a user has viewed a document, the text will no longer be bold.

Relationships #

When a tag is created for a document, the user can apply it on other documents that may be relevant. The document_tags table keeps track of which tags apply to which documents. The id of the tags table corresponds to the tag_id, and the id of the documents table corresponds to the documents_id.

To track which document a comment/annotation is created for, the id from the documents table corresponds with the document_id on the annotations table.

To track when a document has been viewed by a user we have the document_views table, the id from the documents table corresponds with the document_id in the document_views table, and the user_id refers to the id in the users table.