How to merge the pull request and enable CodeQL


Once the configuration is completed for my repository, how do I enable CodeQL?

This is Step #8 for configuring CodeQL scans for GitHub CI This step is performed after the update where scans run step and before the Delete existing CodeQL workflow step.


Once you have completed all the other steps required to successfully enable CodeQL for your repository and if all the checks on the Checks tab on your pull request have passed, you may go ahead and merge the CodeQL enablement pull request. Once it is merged, you have completed all required tasks to enable CodeQL on your repository as it is configured today.

When validating all checks have completed on the Checks tab, you should see a separate check for each language that is enabled in your repository. For example, if your repository is configured to scan for Java and JavaScript, you should see two separate checks on the Checks tab.

If you are unable to complete any of the required configuration tasks, or you need general help, please book a meeting OIS Software Assurance.

Return to enable CodeQL using GitHub CI to continue with the next step.